JFSQ – Main data sources as identified by the 2018 survey Marilise Wolf-Crowther, E.2 WG Forestry 20-21 FEB 2018
Survey on sources and uses of the JFSQ run until 8 FEB 2018 Population: JFSQ country correspondents Number of respondents: 22
Data sources for removals of timber from the forest National forest inventory (NFI) Forestry statistics Felling reports Estimates of roundwood use Household surveys of fuelwood use Forestry companies' accounting network Administrative data on roundwood removals from state forests Surveys of forest industry Trade associations Saw-mill sample survey Surveys of forest managers Roundwood processing and trade survey, NFI for reference Conclusion: use-side estimates and surveys are important sources of information
Data sources for the production of primary wood products National PRODCOM data compiled according to the CPA classification Other national production statistics Estimates of roundwood use in manufacturing Data collected by associations of industry Direct contacts with manufacturing companies Household surveys of charcoal, wood pellets or wood briquettes used Conclusion: use-side estimates and surveys are important here as well, as are contacts with industry
Data sources for trade in primary wood products National trade data Data collected by associations of industry Some additional data from businesses known to export roundwood and/ or chips Conclusion: industry contacts are also used for data on trade
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