Characterization is… the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character.
Analyzing Characterization Making judgments (or evaluations) about the character
INFERENCES Guesses made regarding a situation, using one’s understanding of context clues
personality of the character DIRECT – tells the personality of the character Ex: “The patient boy and quiet girl both well-mannered and didn’t disobey their mother.”
INDIRECT – shows things that reveal character’s personality
INDIRECT (continued) S peech (what character says) T houghts (what character thinks) E ffect on others (how interacts with others) A ctions (what character does) L ooks (how character looks / dresses)
Credible Character is believable (could actually exist) Not Credible Character seems fake
Is the character believable? Would you expect to run into him or her in everyday life? YES! NOPE = Credible = Not credible
Credible or not?
Rounded Character is complicated with multiple dimensions Flat Character only has a single trait
Does the character have multiple personality traits? Does he/she feel more than a single emotion? YES! NOPE = Rounded = Flat
Rounded or flat?
Stock Character fits an exact stereotype; seems unoriginal Unique Character is unlike others
Is the character a stereotype? Is the character just one of many like him/her? YES! NOPE = Stock = Unique
Stock or unique?
Dynamic Character undergoes some change and/or gains a new understanding Static Character stays the same
Does the character grow or change in some way? YES! NOPE = Dynamic = Static
Static or dynamic?
S peech T houghts E ffects on others A ctions L ooks Indirect Characterization Example Meaning S peech T houghts E ffects on others A ctions L ooks