Financial Markets Primary Market Second Market Money Market Capital Market Organized Securities Exchanges Over-the-Counter Markets Public Offerings and Private Placement
Organized Securities Exchanges (1) New York Stock Exchange, (NYSE) (2) American Stock Exchange, (AMEX) (3) Mid-west Stock Exchange, (4) Pacific Stock Exchange, (5) Philadelphia Stock Exchange, (6) Boston Stock Exchange, and
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Membership seat:1366 seats since 1953. Seat fee: $760,000 to a high of $830,000.' 1995 auction :“make a market” matching pricing (asked and offered) Price Quotes 82%
Function of the NYSE 1 Providing a continuous market. 2. Establishing and publicizing fair security prices. 3. Helping business raise new capital.
Listing Requirements (1) profitability (2) size (3) market value (4) public ownership.
Profitability EBT: at 1east $2.5 million. For the two years preceding EBT:at least $2.0 million. Size Net tangible assets: at least $18.0 million.
Market Value The market value: at least $18.0 million. Public Ownership common shares :1 .1 million publicly held holders of 100 shares :at least 2,000.
THE INVESTMENT BANKER a financial specialist involved as an intermediary in the merchandising of securities. Banking Act of 1933(also known as the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933).
Functions of Institutes (1) underwriting, (2) distributing, (3) advising.
Distribution Methods Most competitive bid purchases (1) rail-road issues, (2) public utility issues, (3) state and municipal bond issues. (4) Commission or Lest-Efforts Basis (5) Privileged Subscription (6) Direct Sale
(1) current stockholders, (2) employees, or (3) customers.
PRIVATE PLACEMENTS (1) life insurance companies, (2) state and local retirement funds, (3) private pension funds.
Advantages of private placement 1. Speed. 2. Reduced flotation costs. 3. Financing flexibility.
disadvantages 1. Interest costs. 2. Restrictive covenants. 3. The possibility of future SEC registration.
Leading U.S. Investment Bankers, 1995 (Domestic debt and Equity issue) (BILLION OF DOLLARS FIRM UNDERWRITING VOLUME Percent 1 Merrill Lynch $ 122.3 17.9% 2 Lehman Brothers 70.3 9.9 3 Golden Sachs 68.5 9.7 3 Morgan Stanley 68.5 9.7 5 Salomon Brother 68.1 9.6 6 CS First Boston 64.6 9.1 7 J.R. Morgan 40.2 5.7 8 Bear, Sterns 25.4 3.6 9 Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette 22.2 3.1 10 Smith Barney 20.7 2.9
Table 2-6 Public and Privately Placed Corporate Debt Placed Domestically (Gross proceeds of All New U.S. Corporate Debt Issue) Total Volume Percent Publicly Percent Privately Year (S Millions) Placed (%) Placed (%) 1994 $441287 82.8 17.2 1993 361860 79.3 20.7 1992 443911 85.2 14.8 1991 603119 80.7 19.3 1990 276259 68.5 31.5 1989 298813 60.7 39.3 1988 329919 61.3 38.7 1987 301447 69.5 30.5 1986 313502 74.2 25.8 1985 165754 72.1 27.9 1984 109903 66.9 33.1
FLOTATION COSTS (1) the underwriters spread (2) issuing costs. (a) printing and engraving, (b) legal fees, (3) accounting fees, (4) trustee fees, several other miscellaneous components.
Full public disclosure Firm file a registration statement with the SEC a minimum 20-day waiting period, registration process a preliminary prospectus (the red herring)
25 investors not be registered 1. less than $1.5 billion of new securities per year. 2. Issues that are sold entirely intrastate. 3. short-term instruments: maturity periods of 270 days or less. 4. Issues that are already regulated or controlled by some other federal agency
Mr. Ivan F. Boesky, a loophole in the 1940 Ponzis Scheme Enron and WorldCom
REGULATION 1929--1932, State statutes (blue sky laws) Securities Acts Amendments of 1975 Primary Market Regulations Securities Act of 1933.
Primary market regulation Full public disclosure Firm file a registration statement with the SEC a minimum 20-day waiting period, registration process a preliminary prospectus (the red herring非招募章程)
Secondary Market Regulations Shelf Registration 1. Major security exchanges must register with the SEC. 2. Insider trading is regulated. 3. Manipulative trading 4. The SEC is given control over proxy procedures. 5. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Figure 2-4 Average Annual Returns and Standard Deviations of Returns, 1926-1995
Figure 2-5 Rates of Return and Standard Deviations, 1926-1995
Table 2-7 Interest Rate Level and Inflation Rates 1981-1995 3-Month 30-Year AAA Rated Inflation Treasury Bills Treasury Bonds Corporate Bonds rate 1981 14.08 13.44 14.17 8.9 1982 10.69 12.76 13.79 3.9 1983 8.63 11.18 12.04 3.8 1984 9.52 12.39 12.71 4.0 1985 7.49 10.79 11.37 3.8 1986 5.98 7.80 9.02 1.1 1987 5.82 8.58 9.38 4.4 1988 6.68 8.96 9.71 4.4 1989 8.12 8.45 9.26 4.6 1990 7.51 8.61 9.32 6.1 1991 5.42 8.14 8.77 3.1 1992 3.45 7.67 8.14 2.9 1993 3.02 6.59 7.22 2.7 1994 4.29 7.37 7.97 2.7 1995 5.51 6.88 7.59 2.5 Mean 7.08 9.31 10.03 3.93
INTEREST RATE and DETERMINANTS k = k* + IRP + DRP + MP + LP k = the nominal or observed rate k* = the real risk--free rate of interest, IRP = inflation-risk premium. DRP = default-risk premium MP = maturity LP = liquidity premium
Krf = k* + IRP (2-2)
The Effects of Inflation on Rates of Return and the Fisher Effect Krf =k *+ IRP + (k*. IRP) 0.113 = k* + .05 + '05k* K* = .06 = 6%
MEAN MEAN INFERRED SECURITY % % % Treasury bills 7.08 3.93 3.15 MEAN MEAN INFERRED NOMINAL YIELD INFLATION RATE REAL RATE SECURITY % % % Treasury bills 7.08 3.93 3.15 Treasury bonds 9.31 3.93 5.38 Corporate bonds 10.03 3.93 6.10
短期国库券 融资工具 市场 市场主要参与对象 风险 期限 年利率 货币市场 国家财政部为支付联邦财政支出而面向协会投资者发行 投资者承担违约风险 91天到1年 6.40% 银行呈兑汇票 银行允诺呈兑的汇票 银行许诺,故风险较低 180天 6.30% 商业票据 可靠的金融机构面向较大投资者发行 低违约风险 270天 6.20% 大额可转让存单 由金融中心的商业银行签发给较大的投资者 大于短期国库券 1年 6.50% 共同基金 投资于短期国库券、商业票据由个人或商行持有 低风险 无到期日 5.50% 欧元现市存单 由美国以外的银行发行 承担不发行的违约风险 消费信贷 由银行、信贷联合协会、金融机构发行给个人 风险易变 不固定 10-15%浮动 美国政府债券 资本市场 由美国政府发行 但当利率上升时,价格会下降 1到30年 7.80%
Historical Interest Rates 2 10 30 9 13 1 Years to maturity Interest rate Oct 31, 19 79 Mar 31, 19 90 Nov 13, 19 91
Explaining Term Structure (1) the unbiased expectations theory, (2) the liquidity preference theory, (3) the market segmentation theory.
SUMMARY market environment structure of financial markets the institution of investment banking various methods for distributing securities role of interest rates
Components of financial market public offerings private placements:institutional investors. financial instruments The secondary market money and capital markets primary and secondary organized security exchanges over-the-counter market
Investment banker functions of (l) underwriting, (2) distributing, and (3) advising. the negotiated purchase, (2) the competitive bid purchase, (3) the commission or best-efforts basis, (4) privileged subscriptions, and (5) direct sales.
Private placements (l) life insurance firms, (2) state and local retirement funds, and (3) private pension funds. advantages and disadvantages
Flotation costs securities Act Of l933. Rates of return