Key Structures Book 1A Chapter 1 Greeting people What is your name? How old are you? I am … years old.
Greeting people Nice to meet you. Hi. Hello. What can we say when we meet people? We say this when we meet someone for the first time. Nice to meet you. Hi. Hello.
What is your name? What is your name? My name is May Cheng. You meet a new friend. What can you say to him / her? What is your name? Remember to use capital letters for names! My name is May Cheng.
What is your name? What is your name? My name is Jack Woods. J-A-C-K. Jack. W-O-O-D-S. Woods. We can also spell out our names.
5 How old are you? How old are you? I am five years old. What else can we ask our new friends? Their age! 5 How old are you? I am five years old. We can also say ‘I am five.’
How old are you? 6 How old are you? I am six years old.
How old are you? How old are you? 7 I am seven years old.
Making friends Hi. Hello. What is your name? My name is Jennifer. This is what we can say when making new friends. Hi. Hello. What is your name? My name is Jennifer. How old are you? I am six years old.
Your turn! Hi. Hello. What is your name? My name is … How old are you? Pair up with a classmate. Ask questions to find out his / her name and age. Hi. Hello. What is your name? My name is … How old are you? I am … years old.
Key Structures Hi. Hello. Nice to meet you. What is your name? My name is Tom Wu. Sam Lee. Ann Lam. T-O-M. Tom. W-U. Wu. S-A-M. Sam. L-E-E. Lee. A-N-N. Ann. L-A-M. Lam.
Key Structures How old are you? I am five six seven years old.
Practice My name What Anne: _______ is your name? 1. Choose the correct answers. Practice My name … … What Anne Ben Anne: _______ is your name? Ben: ________ is Ben.
7 Practice How old years old Anne: _________ are you? 2. Choose the correct answers. Practice 7 How old … … years old Anne Ben Anne: _________ are you? Ben: I am seven __________ .
Practice Jane: ______ is your name? What Nick: ________ is Nick. 3. Fill in the blanks. Practice … … Nick Jane Jane: ______ is your name? Nick: ________ is Nick. What My name
6 Practice Jane: ________ are you? How old Nick: _______________ 4. Fill in the blanks. Practice 6 … … Jane Nick Jane: ________ are you? Nick: _______________ How old I am six years old.
The End
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