dress accordingly in business attire
Suit (navy, black or dark grey) The suit skirt should be long enough so you can sit down comfortably Coordinated blouse Conservative shoes Limited jewelry (no dangling earrings or arms full of bracelets) No jewelry is better than cheap jewelry Professional hairstyle Neutral pantyhose Light make-up and perfume
Suit (solid color - navy or dark grey) Long sleeve shirt (white or coordinated with the suit) Belt Tie Dark socks, conservative leather shoes Little or no jewelry Neat, professional hairstyle Limit the aftershave Neatly trimmed nails Portfolio or briefcase
overview&list=UUiQNvBItd1s9Bei2Zkmar4A Dealing with the nerves…..
When to Arrive at an interview : minutes before the interview time. Allow your self time for traffic, or misread directions. Allow time to stop in the bathroom before the interview to make sure there are no wardrobe malfunctions. (it will also give you some time to calm down)
Bring extra copies of your resume along with a list of references to offer the interviewer. Also, bring a list of questions to ask the interviewer. Electronic resume or portfolio If you're interviewing for a tech or web job and you want to show examples of your work, it's fine to bring your laptop or iPad to show the interviewer what you have accomplished. What to Bring
When you arrive at a job interview, introduce yourself to the receptionist, if there is one. Let him or her know who you are and who you are scheduled to meet with.
You're selling the interviewer on yourself as the best candidate for the job, so be sure you focus on your relevancy i.e. why you are a good candidate, how you can do the job, what you can contribute, and how you will benefit the company if you're hired.
#1: Tell me about yourself #2: Why should we hire you #3: What is your greatest strength #4: What is your greatest weakness #5: Why do you want to work here #6: Why did you leave your last job #7: What is your greatest accomplishment #8: Describe a difficult work situation and how did you overcome it? #9: Where do you see yourself in 5 years #10: Do you have any questions for me?
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#1: what qualities do your top performing employees have in common #2: What would I have to do to exceed expectations in the short term #3: If I were to start tomorrow would be my top priority #4: Are there other opportunities for furthering education or professional training #5: I know this company puts a lot of value in __________, So what would you say is the most important culture?
Towards the end of the interview let the hiring manager know that you think the job is an excellent fit and that you are very interested in the job. It's appropriate to ask what the next step in the hiring process will be and when you might expect to hear. Finally, thank the interviewer for the time they spent interviewing with you.
Take time right now to go through questions and write out brief answers that you would respond with
Get into groups of 2. One of you will act as the interviewer and the other the interviewee. You will ask each other the questions. Practice: Your responses Good posture Maturity And interview etiquette …. then switch roles