2018-2019 Online SPSA Updates LDNE Title 1 Coordinators Mtg. 12/1/17 SPSA Training 1/12/18 & 1/19/18
What is the same for the 2018-19 SPSA? Logging into the template is the same:
Accessing resources is the same:
SSC Involvement is the same: Conduct Needs Assessment Develop Goals and Objectives Develop Budget Recommend SPSA and Budget for Approval Monitor Implementation of the SPSA
Goals and Focus Areas are the same: Schools do not need to address all 6 goal areas (except Culture/Climate and EL) Schools do not need to address all Focus Areas within a goal (except Building Parent Capacity) Schools must answer questions 1-5 (as applicable) for each goal area
Entering Budget Items is the same: Schools will enter a separate Strategy, Actions, Task box for each Budget Item (unless you are purchasing multiple positions of the same item, e.g. CSR, TA, etc.)
School will select allowable expenses from pull down menus You can view the Budget Summary by selecting the dollar bill icon on the dashboard
The timeline/review process is the same: December- Schools begin plan writing process January- SPSA Trainings (Jan. 12,19) Feb./March- Writing Workshops (Feb. 9,16 & March 2,9,22,23) March 14,15,16- Budget Development Trainings/Tentative Allocations Drop Submit Plans for Review (via Comment Boxes) March/April- Budget Development Appointments May/June- Additional Review and Final Approval
What is different? Many pages/sections/budget items (personnel) have been pre- populated using last year’s information If schools have at least 1 English Learner they must complete the EL Goal page (even if schools do not receive Title III funds) Schools may enter more than one Measurable Objective for a Goal but should enter them in different boxes
What is different? The SPSA Online template and BTS will be integrated (by Fall 2018)/ Tentative The SPSA Modification Process will be online