Midwest Chapter Annual Meeting Financial Status Checking Account Balance January 1, 2006 $ 3,476 January 1, 2007 $ 4,063 January 1, 2008 $ 3,789 January 1, 2009 $ 5,414 January 1, 2010 $ 4,005 January 1, 2011 $ 3,797 January 1, 2012 $ 9,301 May 25, 2012 $ 20,092 Preliminary Conference Revenue/Expenses Income for Conference $ 28,186 Cambria Suites - Reception $ (2,931) Lambeau Total $ (12,277) Lamers Bus Total $ (1,317) Speaker & Planner Gifts $ (788) Office Supplies $ (82) Profit/Loss for 2012 Conference $ 10,791
Midwest Chapter Annual Meeting 2. Bylaws Bylaws 501C6 are an IRS requirement The IRS requires each chapter to demonstrate they are formally organized Chapter profits must be less than $25,000 per year Each Chapter’s Insurance plan is under WEDA Corporate Is a change to insurance wording needed in Bylaws? See recommended changes to Bylaws Need motion to modify Bylaws Reference Article IV Section 3
3. Elect new Midwest Chapter Officer Midwest Chapter Annual Meeting 3. Elect new Midwest Chapter Officer
Midwest Chapter Annual Meeting 4. Location and Dates for next Midwest Chapter Conference Recommendations from the floor Executive committee: Pick 2 or 3 sites from recommendations Negotiate with hotels for draft contract/markup contract/iteration before agreement is reached with hotel Select final location and date for conference 5. Other Business