LAMAS Working Group 7-8 December 2016 Agenda Item 3.4 Reason for migrating (MIGREAS) Eurostat
Background DG EMPL asks for adding MIGREAS to the core LFS, as the need for monitoring immigrants' integration into the labour market is markedly increased Task force 2 supports the request (collected every second year) During the discussion of the migrants ad hoc module, in the June LAMAS, our colleagues in the directorate general for employment, social affairs, and inclusion, asked that the variable 'main reason for migration' be considered for inclusion in the LFS core. This was therefore discussed in the meeting of task force 2, and has decided to support this request Eurostat
LAMAS exchange of views A sizeable majority of you (72%) support the request Eurostat
Comments received (reasons for 'no') Sensitive question Response burden Small target population LFS not good at covering immigrant population Not a main LFS indicator The reasoning behind opposing the request, from those of you who said no, is Sensitive question: We are happy to hear how this was handled on national level, and to see if this can be used to improve the variable. But we will not have a model questionnaire for this variable. Response burden: Yes, but justified by the added information Small target population: in some countries yes, in others no. our main focus is cross-border comparability Covering the immigrant population: this is clearly an issue, and in our view the best argument against, but their inclusion in the sample frame increases with residence time, and the labour market effect for migrants (especially refugees) stretches over many years Not a main indicator: no, but a high priority policy requirement Eurostat
Comments received (other) Entry filter must be clarified Must fit current questionnaire practice Should be annual, not biennial Rather use register data Entry filter: Seems to be some confusion on the age limit. Persons aged at least 15 at the time of the interview, but we don’t limit it on the age they had at the time of migrating. Auto-coding 'family reason' turned out to be a rather bad idea; some did not do it, and the results from those countries are revealing in that very few actually migrated for family reasons at that age: most were for international protection, and some were for studies. Must fit current practice: if at all possible, sure. We need to see how to handle this practically Annual: not likely, but I am sure DG EMPL appreciates the support Register data: sure, no problem, if you can link and match that is fine, but not everyone can do this With this I give the floor to Filip from DG EMPL, who will explain the background more, and answer your questions afterwards. Eurostat
LAMAS is invited to discuss : MIGREAS to the core LFS as biennial variable? Eurostat