The Theory of Evolution What is Science? It is observable and testable Goal is to understand the world around us Always changing as we continue to learn Science CHANGES
What is a Theory? Explanations supported by evidence Unite facts Evolution is a theory, like: a. Gravity, electromagnetism, germ theory, plate tectonics
Evolution: Changes in life over time (general) Process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms Any change in the frequencies of alleles in a gene pool
1. Lamarck: evolution worked through use and disuse (proven false) History of Evolution 1. Lamarck: evolution worked through use and disuse (proven false) A. Examples: 1) Lift weights and build muscle kids will be strong 2) Giraffes: stretch neck to reach leaves on trees, offspring will have long necks
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2. Charles Darwin: a. Voyage of the Beagle (1831 – 1836) b. Galapagos Islands c. Studied the diversity of Life d. Theory of Natural Selection e. Published “On the Origin of Species” in 1859
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LAST SLIDE!!! Galapagos Finches: different size and shaped beaks that have evolved to take advantage of distinct food sources