Analysis 4th February 2019 Analysis to be completed by 8th February Finished mock exam with every question done should really be in today but … Friday 8th lesson at latest Whilst you start the analysis today I will review your mock exam with you 1:1. You need to complete the after school session list before you leave today. One compulsory after school session this week BUT if you know you need more help than others then you need to sign up for more than one session.
Analysis of environmental quality survey results You now need to write an analysis for your results. You will have made general comments about each graph in the section before. As a guidance for structure you should be trying to find answers to the following types of questions; What was the highest scoring area for attractiveness and maintenance? Why was that/were they the highest scoring area(s)? What evidence do you have for this? What was the lowest scoring area for attractiveness and maintenance? Why was that/were they the lowest scoring area(s)?
Analysis of questionnaire results You now need to write an analysis for your results. You will have made general comments about each graph in the section before. As a guidance for structure you should be trying to find answers to the following types of questions; What was the most common answer for each question? Why was that the most common answer? What evidence do you have for this? What was the least common answer for each question? Why was that the least common answer? Was there any anomalies? Why might that have been?
Land Use Analysis Once you have done this you must analyse each one, by firstly focusing on the general land use, (tourist, local and both) and then linking it together with the more specific land use, for example, ‘In 1971 the majority of the land was used by tourists, with little being used by both. This suggests that in 1971 tourism was still very popular on the Isle of Man and in Douglas in particular. ‘By looking at the specific land use for 1971, we can see that this is true as the majority of the land use was hotel and B&Bs, with only 8 properties actually being use for apartments owned by local people.’ There are many more points to make
14. Secondary Evidence The content of this section will vary according to what you research. There is census information about jobs and there are graphs of arrivals available from the government. It is up to you to follow the same type of layout as for all the other sections.