Hungarian Central Statistical Office Trade by Enterprise Characteristics (TEC)
Introduction History: voluntary data transmission (standardization exercise, ETS, up to reference year 2008), OECD-EUROSTAT (TEC, from reference year 2009) Legal basis: Intrastat and Extrastat regulations (96/2010/EU and 113/2010/EU Commission regulations) , annual data, deadline T+18 months Objective: who trades? (with whom)? Methods: linking trade with enterprise characteristics
TEC, key variables • trade value • partner country • product • economic activity sector (EAS) • number of employees • type of trader • type of ownership Trade file: annual trade value (export, import, Intrastat, Extrastat, total) partner country (Intastat consignment, destination, Extrastat origin, destination, Geonomenclature Product: Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) , =CPC, correspondence table between CN-CPA) Business register: economic activity sector NACE Rev.2 classification = . ISIC number of employees categories 0_ 9,10_49,50_249, 250 or more Unknown type of trader: importer only, exporter only, two-way trader type of ownership: domestically controlled enterprises, domestically controlled enterprises without own affiliates abroad domestically controlled enterprises with own affiliates abroad, foreign controlled enterprises unknown
Populations of traders Link between registers: tax number Total number of traders (POP 1): Traders above threshold having valid ESA code (POP 2) Traders below threshold having valid ESA code (POP 3) Traders having no valid ESA code (POP 4 Focus on population 2
Structure Trade value, number of traders by size class and economic activity sector (POP 2, POP 3) Concentration of trade value (POP 2) Trade value, number of traders by partner zones and countries (POP 2) Trade value by number of partner countries (POP 2) Trade value by commodities (CPA) (POP 2) Trade value, number of traders type of ownership (POP 2, POP 3)
Import by size class (POP 2+3)
Export by size class (POP 2+3)
Import by economic activity sector (POP 2+3)
Export by economic activity sector (POP 2+3)
Number of importer and exporter trading with non-EU zones (from POP 2)
Concentration of trades (POP 2) Data entry, validation checks at the 19 counties of HCSO. Data processing at the IT Department.
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