Type Ia Supernova Remnant “youngest” Suzaku Results of SN 1006: Chemical abundances of the youngest Galactic Type Ia Supernova Remnant Katsuji Koyama Department of physics, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502 “youngest”
SN1006 一條院 寛弘三年 四月二日 葵酉 夜以降 騎官中 有大客星 如螢惑 光明動耀 連夜正見南方 或云 騎陣将軍星本体 増変光 如螢惑(Mars) 騎官 (kikan) On May 1st 1006, a great guest star appeared in “Kikan” (the Oriental name of the constellation Lupus and Centaurus.). It was very bright like Mars, and visible in the southern sky in every night. SN1006のみが「大客星」という表現が用いられています。 いかに大きく、明るかったかがわかります。
1006/05/01, Midnight Southern Sky of Kyoto Mars Antares SN 1006 如螢惑 (similar to Mars)
Old record from Asia and Arabia 明月記(Kyoto):寛弘三年四月二日(= 5/1)如螢惑(like Mars) Ibn al-Jawzi (Baghdad) : A large star similar to Venus appeared to the left of qibla. at the beginning of the month of Sha’ban (= 5/3). Ali ibn Ridwan(Egypt) : 2.5 to 3 times as large as Venus. The intensity of its light was a little more than a quarter of that moonlight. (5/5?) 宋史天文志(China) :景徳三年四月戊寅(=5/6)如半月( half moon) -2 Mag -4 Mag 戊寅 ぼいん つちのえとら -8 Mag -10 Mag Ref: Full Moon = -12.6 Mg、 Venus= -4.6 Mag
SN1006 : Historical Galactic SNR Type Ia SN Days after 1006/05/01 Magnitude -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 2006 was one millennium after SN1006 memory X-ray picture of SN1006 by Suzaku Distance = 2.2 kpc Maximum Mag = -20 Mag
Suzaku The 5th Japanese X-ray astronomical Satellite, lauched on July 10th 2005 Suzaku Suzaku Wall painting in the old tomb“Kitora Kofun” Suzaku: “red angel bird” of the Oriental Mythology, living in the Southern Sky of the Palace XIS (X-ray Imaging Spectrometer: CCD) XRT XIS XRT (X-Ray Telescope) In 2006, Suzaku saw a southern sky, and took a millennium-memorial X-ray picture of SN1006
High Temperature Plasmas in SN1006 Discovery of Ar, Ca and Fe Lines Black : FI-CCD Red : BI-CCD This spectrum is very unusual, hence can not be applied by the conventional plasma code. What is unusual, what is the difference between this plasma and those in the other SNRs ? In normal cases, we can determine the chemical compositions using the conventional plasma code. The plasma code has been made based on the laboratory plasma physics. However,
We found Kγ、Kδ lines at 730 eV and 820 eV He-like oxygen 730eV 920eV 575eV H-like oxygen 672eV 820eV He-like Kα: 570eV H-like Lyα :650eV He-Kβat 670 eV We found Kγ、Kδ lines at 730 eV and 820 eV This is very surprising (no plasma code !) High electron temperature (kTe ~ 1.5 [keV] ), but Low ionization states (kTi ~ 0.15 [keV]) If we see this spectrum in the other SNRs, most of the X-ray Astronomers believe that these two-lines are He-like and H-like Ka. This, in fact, is true for any other SNRs.
SN1006 is the “youngest” SNR in our Galaxy! Shock by Velocity (V) kTp=mpV2, kTe=meV2 Tp~1000*Te (mp/me =1000) kTp kTe , kTe kTi Energy Transfer ∝ nt The plasma evolution in SNRs Tp:proton temp. Tpn Te: Electron temp Te Ti: Ionization temp. SN1006 is the “youngest” SNR in our Galaxy! Ti ↑ ↑ ↑ nt SN1987A Cas A CygnusLoop Kepler&Tycho SN1006 Thermal ages ∝ nt
1) kTe=0.54 (0.52-0.58) keV, net= 6.7×109 :solar abundance 2) kTe = 1.2 (1.1-1.3) keV, net = 1.3×1010 :over abundance 3) kTe = 1.5 (1.5-1.6) keV, net = 7.4×108 : over abundance
2) kTe = 1.2 (1.1-1.3) keV, net = 1.3×1010 = Ejecta1 Ejecta1: Reverse shock of Early heating (Outer Shell) Ejecta2: Reverse shock of Recent heating (Inner Shell) Ejecta 2 Ejecta 1 Si S Fe Mg O C C Large Si, S (Nomoto el al. 1984) Large Ca, Fe
Conclusion We discovered Ar, Ca and Fe Lines for the first time (2) We found extremely non-equilibrium between electron temperature and ionization temperature. (3) The ejecta consists of two plasma components: One has almost identical abundance profile to that of the theoretical prediction of type Ia SNR, and the other has lower abundance in Fe. The former would be due to an inner part of the SNR and the latter is due to an outer part.