5.2 The Spanish American War Essential Question: What were the causes and effects of the Spanish American War? Read Chapter 5, Section 2 (pages 144 – 150) Answer Checkpoint Questions
Spanish American War 14 minute video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lj0nMjuBn4
Notebook due Friday, Dec 1 Chapter 4, Sections 4 and 5 Chapter 5, Sections 1 and 2 The Jungle Comic Strip Spanish American War newspaper
Breaking News! In teams of 1 - 3: Create the front page of a newspaper that details events of the Spanish American war Your newspaper must include: 4 articles (min 100 words each) which cover a variety of events including; Lead up to the war Events of the war Outcome of the war 2 illustrations (Teams of 1 can have 3 articles and 1 illustration)
Planning tips Plan in your notebook! Events to consider: Jose Marti begins war for independence from Spain The Maine blows up Teller Amendment US wins in Cuba Dewey takes the Philippines Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders Treaty of Paris Plan in your notebook!