The Internet of Everything in focus of connecting patients and doctors to create reliable integrated medical treatment for the best clinical outcome – Nature4U medical app Sara Gračić
Integrative medicine Conventional medicine Traditional medicine Modern technology and medicaments Cannot cure all diseases Integrative medicine Traditional medicine Remedies for various diseases A remedy can help, as well as harm in different situations Misuse of the name “traditional medicine”
Research focus help in finding reliable, complete information about traditional remedies in one place eliminating applying remedies without research
I developed the Nature4U Solution using Visual Studio and SQL Server to provide reliable information regarding traditional remedies and enable contact with medical professionals.
Nature4u Medical App
Nature4u Medical website
A patient with a mechanical valve who has to drink anticoagulants for the rest of her/his life will not introduce onion in her/his diet, because of inhibition of platelet aggregation. A patient whose surgical procedure is scheduled in 10 days can read that 7 days before surgery she/he mustn’t consume onion for the same reason previously stated. A patient who is fighting against bad cold or an infection can include onion in diet, but only if he does not have hemophilia.
Nature4U Medical Solution prevents undesired consequences of integrating a traditional remedy into conventional therapy, as well as consulting a doctor before applying traditional therapy, especially if already on conventional treatment, because insufficient information can endanger a patient’s health.