SOME IMPLICATIONS FOR FUTURE CoRoT POINTINGS GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS OF COROT SEISMO TARGETS Ennio PORETTI (INAF-OA Brera) – Action SC 42- 1a SOME IMPLICATIONS FOR FUTURE CoRoT POINTINGS Need for good seismic targets expected to show clear line profile variations. In absence of them, very difficult to re-submit a new LP supporting the CoRoT second extension. Radial velocity measurements of (sub)giants are not a self-consistent project. With the length of HARPS runs, we can just obtain RV amplitude and nu_max. Quite impossible to measure separations. Radial velocity measurements of dwarfs would require short cadence spectra. Since it is a must to observe many stars for the LP scientific profile, the observation of just one (bright!) target weakens the proposal. Moreover, still limited access to physical info, amplitude and nu_max only. Next observing runs: July 3-13 and July 23-28. Around the expected eclipse of HD 169689 (July 20). Last observing runs: in December 2012 and January 2013 (not scheduled yet).
First light HARPS-N at TNG, March 25, 2012. Commissioning time started on April 12.
LONG TERM PROGRAMME (FOUR SEMESTERS) SUBMITTED TO TELESCOPIO NAZIONALE GALILEO (Canary Islands), NOW EQUIPPED WITH HARPS-N PI and CoIs : E. Poretti, M. Rainer, F. Borsa, C. Maceroni, M. Marconi, V. Ripepi, C. Aerts, P. Amado, P. Mathias, A. Miglio, J. Montalban, C. Neiner. 10 consecutive nights (90 hours) in Visitor Mode Problems with the target list: HD 47240 (LPV already observed), HD 47219, HD 46375 (solar-like star with planet), and HD 295440 (Be, but faint) If accepted, two HARPSs looking at the same targets in Dec. 2012. But, high-pressure expected on HARPS-N. E.g., 50 nights are requested by the new GLOBAL ARCHITECTURES OF PLANETARY SYSTEMS (GAPS) team to study exoplanets
STARS SHOWING CLEAR LINE PROFILE VARIATIONS Action SC 42- 1a STARS SHOWING CLEAR LINE PROFILE VARIATIONS RELATED WITH SCIENCE OF THE SECOND EXTENSION Topic : HOT B SUPERGIANT SEISMOLOGY HD 47240 06 37 52 +04 57 24 V=6.18 B1 Ib Topic: BETA CEPHEI VARIABILITY V2052 Oph=HD 163472 17 56 18 +00 40 13 V=5.83 B2 IV-V Topic : New Be stars HD 184279 19 13 36 +03 45 41 V=6.98 B0.5 IV HD 42259 06 09 33 -05 04 00 V=8.58 B0 V HD 45901 06 30 18 +02 50 52 V= 8.87 B2Ve
STARS SHOWING CLEAR LINE PROFILE VARIATIONS Topic: RED GIANT VARIABLES WITH KNOWN PARALLAXES HD 43023=HIP 29575 06 13 54 -03 44 29 V=5.84 G8III nu_max=100 microHz Challenging for first detection of LPV (v sini =4 km/s) HD 162113=HIP 87224 17 49 19 +01 57 41 V=6.46 nu_max=45 microHz Topic: DSCT VARIABLES Hot border Instability strip HD 183324 19 29 01 +01 57 02 V=5.79 A0 V. Topic: GAMMA DOR VARIABLES HD 175337 18 54 55 +01 07 17 V=7.36 F5 Bona-fide
Suggestions: Select an outstanding target in the Center direction in 2013 GOAL: to provide a bright scientific case to support LP proposal (submission due in September 2012) V2052 Oph=HD 163472 17 56 18 +00 40 13 V=5.83 Beta Cep HD 184279 19 13 36 +03 45 41 V=6.98 Be HD 162113=HIP 87224 17 49 19 +01 57 41 V=6.46 Red giant HD 183324 19 29 01 +01 57 02 V=5.79 DSCT+Abundances HD 175337 18 54 55 +01 07 17 V=7.36 Bona-fide GDOR Fields to be validated in terms of secondary targets and exoplanetary field Still unexplored: sinergies with the central stars of planetary systems. To be tested with HD 46375 ?