Melanie Constantine6 th PE and 7 th Science Sue Crook8 th PE and Art Steve Wildanger6 th PE and 7 th History Julie Penunuri7 th PE Frank Quitugua7 th PE Paul Kargl8 th PE Sabrina Young8 th PE, Department Chair and 8 th AVID Kelli DavisAdaptive PE Welcome to…
Carnegie Middle School's physical education department is committed to: providing a rich and safe experience for your student offers a variety of team sports, lifetime carryover activities, and fitness conditioning guides team building experiences and leadership opportunities
We will be working on health related physical fitness, while incorporating some of the following activities throughout the school year. Examples are: Cooperative Activites, Volleyball, Ultimate Football &Frisbee Tumbling/Wrestling, Track&Field, Hockey, Basketball Soccer, Crossfit, Pickleball, Racquet Sports, Team Handball Adventure Races, Lacrosse, Dance and Lots of Fitness…
Movement Skills & Movement Knowledge 50%-- Standard 1 and Standard 2 Personal Development and Knowledge 25%-- Standard 3 and Standard 4 Social Development 25%--Standard 5
Daily routine On going Pre and post skill assessment Team work Leadership Own it Peer assessments Self assessments Loaners Grades can be accessed on Zangle.
Uniforms: Student are required to change into PE clothes on a daily basis. Sweatshirts/sweatpants may be any color as long as they are appropriate. Only in the cold months! Shoes: Athletic type shoe that fits securely to the foot is required. NO dress shoes, sandals, UGGs, or slip-ons. Uniform Regulations: Students name must be visible on the outside of the PE shirt and shorts. NO sharing or borrowing of PE clothes. Uniforms are to be taken home and washed at the end of the period on Friday. Unsafe jewelry may not be worn, earrings, necklaces and facial piercings. Locks: Combination locks are required. NO KEY LOCKS. All items MUST be secured in a long locker during the duration of the period. Please, please do not bring any personal electronic devices, money and/or expensive jewelry to the locker room.. CARNEGIE PE staff is NOT responsible for property that is lost or stolen. Loaners (Non-suit, own uniform): *1 st and 2 nd : Verbal warning is given to student (Running it off) *3 rd : Phone call home by teacher and student to let the parent know *4 th : Fourth non-suit, and each one past the 4 th will result in a Lunch Detention.
Students are required to make-up all absences Its the students responsibility to ask the teacher for his or her make-up assignment. You can also find make-up assignments on PE teachers website
Locker Room Baskets, Lockers and Locks Lock it or lose it. PLEASE PARENTS HELP US with teaching your student how to use a combination lock… Hustle out to roll call. Combination locks only
Medical Excuses Parent note good for up to 5 days. date reason limitations signature and phone # Students are still required to dress out in appropriate PE attire when excused from participation. After 5 days the students needs a: Doctors medical note requesting no activity or dress will be respected and an alternative assignment issued for the duration of the medical. Note should state the specific reason for medical excuse and duration of time. Please inform us of any ongoing medical issues such as asthma, diabetes, food allergies, knee problems, etc. These issues need to be documented by a medical provider and a copy placed in our files.
Girls Volleyball starts in September (Coached by Mr. Uhler-8 th Girls Mrs. Young-6 th and 7 th Girls Flag Football starts in September (Coach TBA) Boys Basketball starts in November (Coach TBA) Girls Basketball starts in December (Coach Mr. Wildanger) Wrestling starts in December (Coach Mr. Smith) Track and Field starts in March (Coached by Mr. Smith, Mrs. Koster and Mrs. Crook)