Maintenance of stable cuff pressure in the Brandt™ tracheal tube during anaesthesia with nitrous oxide F. Karasawa, T. Okuda, T. Mori, T. Oshima British Journal of Anaesthesia Volume 89, Issue 2, Pages 271-276 (August 2002) DOI: 10.1093/bja/aef176 Copyright © 2002 British Journal of Anaesthesia Terms and Conditions
Fig 1 Changes in the air-filled cuff pressure of the Brandt™ tracheal tube (group 12H). During nitrous oxide anaesthesia, cuff pressure increased slightly; the closed circle denotes a significant increase in cuff pressure (P<0.05 vs initial values). When anaesthesia was finished before the completion of the study, the number of patients included in the statistical analysis is shown by the marker of each point. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2002 89, 271-276DOI: (10.1093/bja/aef176) Copyright © 2002 British Journal of Anaesthesia Terms and Conditions
Fig 2 Changes in the gas concentration in the cuff and pilot balloon of the Brandt™ system (open and grey column in left panel, respectively) and the corresponding volume (right panel) at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 h (group 0.5H, 1H, 2H, 4H, 8H, and 12H, respectively); n=10 for each. Note that gas concentrations in cuffs were estimated using Equation 1 and that the statistical comparisons of gas concentrations between groups are presented in Table 2. *P<0.05 vs initial values (air). †P<0.05 vs values in the pilot balloon of the same group. ‡P<0.05 between corresponding volume injected and aspirated, calculated using Equations 2 and 3, respectively. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2002 89, 271-276DOI: (10.1093/bja/aef176) Copyright © 2002 British Journal of Anaesthesia Terms and Conditions
Fig 3 Volume–pressure relationships of the Brandt™ tracheal tube, the separated pilot balloon and cuff, and the Hi-Contour™ tracheal tube. When the tracheal cuff was placed in a glass tube, the volume–pressure relationships of the intact tube cuff and the separated cuff in the Brandt™ tube shifted to the left. The relationships of the Hi-Contour™ tracheal tube also moved to the left (closed square), which is almost same as that of cuff only (closed triangle). The R, R′, B, I, C, I′, and C′ markers denote intersection points of the relationship and the dotted line that expresses pressure indicates 15 mm Hg. Compliance was calculated as the reciprocal of the gradient of the relationship at each point. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2002 89, 271-276DOI: (10.1093/bja/aef176) Copyright © 2002 British Journal of Anaesthesia Terms and Conditions