Civil War Part II You will need two colors to complete these notes. I am using Blue for Union, Red for Confederates.
When we left off… By Mid-1863 Lee and the Confederates have gained major confidence. The war seems as if it will go on forever. Union leadership is in shambles. Lincoln gets ready to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.
Lee invades North; Meade defends Turning Point of War July 1863: Gettysburg Lee invades North; Meade defends Turning Point of War Huge win for the Union Famous 3-day battle with huge casualties
Confederates surrender after Grant surrounds them for 6 weeks July 1863: Vicksburg Confederates surrender after Grant surrounds them for 6 weeks Union now controls the whole Mississippi R
Battle Map Notes March 1864 o Lincoln appoints Ulysses S. Grant as Commander of the Union. He is the 6th since the start of the war
Confederates running low on supplies and men June 1864: Cold Harbor Confederates running low on supplies and men Win battle and kill many Union troops
Sherman’s March to Sea from Atlanta to Savannah September 1864: Atlanta to Savannah Sherman’s March to Sea from Atlanta to Savannah Union burns everything in their path / TOTAL WAR
April 1865: Richmond Lee realizes his army cannot continue to fight -flees the Capital of the Confederacy
Lee surrenders to Grant ending the Civil War Appomatox Court House Lee surrenders to Grant ending the Civil War
o Civil War Ends / Union defeats Confederates Battle Map Notes April 1865 o Civil War Ends / Union defeats Confederates
Four Terrible Years… Now a difficult task: Putting the Union back together Where would Freed-Slaves go? Should Confederate soldiers be punished? How could the South be re-built? These questions will be answered after Spring Break!