World War I Part 1 Backgrounder
The 4 MAIN Causes of WW1 Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism
Nationalism Growth of nationalism strong in 1800’s affected people who sought independence
German Empire Emerged Napoleon -created the Confederation of the Rhine when he conquered Germany – 300 states down to 39 – Prussia as one of the largest and most powerful regions Nationalism increased in the Confederation over the next 5 decades Germans celebrated their culture – writers, musicians, and artists- promoted German national spirit Otto von Bismarck – became the Prime Minister of Prussia – it expanded its influence and territory in the process under his direction Prussia had wars with Austria and France more German states joined – German Empire was declared in Jan. 1871 – Emperor (Kaiser) – Wilhelm I, Bismarck remained Prime Minister
Italian nationalism increased Blame Napoleon again!– the French Army occupied the Italian states – created resentment- this helped to build nationalist sentiments after the defeat of Napoleon - Italian States – governed by other foreign powers – Italians become more resentful Sardinia – the only Italian state to have Italian rule – it becomes a model for the other Italian states who eventually join with it to create a unified Italy Italian culture celebrated– a desire for Italy to renew its greatness captured during the Renaissance (1400’s-1500’s)
Colonial Rivalries (Imperialism) European nations competed for colonies in Africa and Asia Increased tensions between the nations as they competed with each other for resources and trade routes
Military Buildup (Militarism) 300% increase between 1870 and 1914 European nations built up their military forces with new weapons created in the new factories (Industrial Revolution) All countries put more soldiers in uniform as well 1880 1914 Germany 1.3m 5.0m France 0.73m 4.0m Russia 0.40m 1.2m
(Alliances) Triple Alliance Germany sought allies 1879 - “Three Emperors’ League” 1882 - “Triple Alliance” – Germany, Italy and the empire of Austria Hungary Bismarck succeeded in isolating France through this succession of alliances – Germany was interested in weakening eventually wanted to take more territory from it………
Triple Entente France worried about the growing German threat - seized an opportunity to ally itself with Russia after it dropped out of the “Three Emperors’ League”- signed an agreement in 1894 Britain valued its “splendid isolation,” but. . . German naval construction worried Britain Eventually, Britain would ally itself Russia in 1907 – this would automatically create an alliance with France as well! The Triple Entente is born
2 Great Power Blocs Face Each Other Alliance system worked out between 1879-1907 heightened tensions With the Great Powers aligned into 2 great alliances, any minor incident could cause a war . . . .
The “Balkan Powderkeg” Concentrations of Slavic Peoples in Europe (Pan-Nationalism) “One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans (1888).” ―Otto von Bismarck, Prime Minister of Prussia (Germany) “The Balkans” Area
The “Balkan Powderkeg” cont’d This was an age when all nations wanted to assert their power and independence. In Europe Slavic Peoples, aided by Serbia and Russia, wanted to be free of Austrian rule.
The “Incident” which leads to Crisis . . . 28 June 1914 Heir to Austro-Hungarian throne Franz Ferdinand visits Sarajevo, Capital of Bosnia Bosnia was recently grabbed by Austria. Hotbed of Slav nationalism – the Slavs did not want to be controlled by Austria
The Crisis cont’d “Black Hand” Slavic terrorists attack the Arch Duke – they wanted Bosnia to unite with Serbia Bomb attempt failed in morning Gavrilo Princip shoots the Archduke and his wife in the afternoon. Austrians blame Serbia for supporting terrorists.
Austrians, supported by Germany, send Serbia a tough ultimatum. Serbia agrees to all but two terms of the ultimatum. Russia mobilises her troops to support Serbia Germany demands that Russia stands her armies down. Germany declares war on Russia
Why did Britain get involved? Britain had Ententes with France and Russia. Only “friendly agreements” but French and Russians given impression Britain would fight. Germany employs “The Schlieffen Plan” to invade France, grab territory and then strike at Russia ….. Sir Edward Grey British Foreign Secretary … “There’s some devilry going on in Berlin”
“The Schlieffen Plan” Germany’s military plan to defeat France and Russia. “Knock out blow” aimed at France first. Avoid French defences by invasion of Belgium. Germans thought Britain would not intervene.
Britain’s Reaction . . . 1838- UK had signed a Treaty to protect Belgium. Britain also scared of Germany controlling Channel ports. Did not want Germany to defeat France and dominate Europe. Britain next? UK issued ultimatum to Germany to withdraw troops from Belgium. War declared August 4 1914