Odds of Arrest by Self-Reported Offending and Cohort Source: Authors’ compilation based on the NLSY (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2014, 2015). Odds of Arrest by Self-Reported Offending and Cohort Source: Authors’ compilation based on the NLSY (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2014, 2015). Note: Self-reported crime does not include drug use. Analysis limited to those respondents at least eighteen years of age. The 1979 cohort analysis excludes military and low-SES white oversamples. Analysis is unweighted; analysis with weights is not different. Vesla M. Weaver et al. rsf 2019;5:89-123 © 2019 Russell Sage Foundation. Weaver, Vesla M., Andrew Papachristos, and Michael Zanger-Tishler. 2019. “The Great Decoupling: The Disconnection Between Criminal Offending and Experience of Arrest Across Two Cohorts.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 5(1): 89–123. DOI: 10.7758/RSF.2019.5.1.05. Direct correspondence to: Vesla M. Weaver at vesla@jhu.edu, Departments of Political Science and Sociology, 338 Mergenthaler Hall, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 22181; Andrew Papachristos at avp@northwestern.edu, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University; and Michael Zanger-Tishler at michael.zanger-tishler@yale.edu.