Regression lines for boys and girls obtained in the present study and those already reported by several authors (for both genders). Regression lines for boys and girls obtained in the present study and those already reported by several authors (for both genders). The ideal (50th percentile) height-for-age and weight-for-age published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were used in those equations including more than one anthropometric variable. Note that, according to our regression lines, when adolescent girls attain their final adult height (around 163 cm), age then becomes the more relevant influence, causing further modifications in respiratory system resistances (Rrs5) and reactances (Xrs5) at 5 Hz (A and C, respectively). Laura Gochicoa-Rangel et al. Respir Care 2015;60:119-127 (c) 2012 by Daedalus Enterprises, Inc.