Percents, Decimals and Fractions
Decimals A fraction is like a division 1 fifth is the same as 1 ÷ 5 1 = 0.2 5
Write the following fractions as decimals
Write the following decimals as reduced fractions 0.5 = 0.05 = 0.18 = 2.08 = 0.025 =
Percentages Denominator is 100 Cross multiply 80 %
Write as percents (Convert to improper fraction) 0.2 = 0.025 = 1.25 =
Percent of a number What is 40% of 180?
2 % of 123 = 75 % of 100 = 15 % of $50.55 =
80% of the seats at the Bell Centre were sold 80% of the seats at the Bell Centre were sold. The total amount of seats at the Bell Centre is 60 000. How many seats were sold?
The school’s population is 1800. 25% of the students attended the dance. How many students went to the dance?
Percents-Fractions-Decimals Write as fractions in lowest terms 2% 35% 120% 1 250%
Write as decimals 5% 17% 135% 1 335%
Shortcuts 2 4 3 10 5 20 100 50% of a number: divide by ___
Word Problems Five students presented a project to the other 20 students in the class. What percentage of the class presented the project?
An Ipod nano is selling for $189 at Future Shop An Ipod nano is selling for $189 at Future Shop. If you buy it online the price is reduced by 15%. What would be the final price online? (Include the discount and both taxes (13%.)
In Cheryl’s class, 60% of the students have pets In Cheryl’s class, 60% of the students have pets. If 21 have pets, how many are in the class?
Kevin made $3 000 in sales during December Kevin made $3 000 in sales during December. If his rate of commission is 12%, find the amount of commission he received.