The Model for Spiritual Unity- Part 2 The Rest of the Story Eternity Past Nature of God Two Glories
The Rest of the Story Phil. 2:6 Eternity Past John 1:1-4 Colossians 1:15-17 Hebrews 1:1-3 Jesus Christ can not be understood on the basis of His earthly life alone. He is man but He is first and foremost God!
The Rest of the Story Phil. 2:6 Nature of God Morphe - form, both outward & inward Isos - having the same form Therefore Jesus was, is, and will forever be God’s equal because They are one. Thus the attributes of God the Father are also the attributes of God the Son.
The Rest of the Story Phil. 2:6 Two Glories Glory of God - John 17:4,5 Jesus possessed a glory before the incarnation This glory was God’s glory Jesus did not have it after the incarnation There is a sense that He did posses it here on earth, revealed in the finished work the Son was given by God the Father
The Rest of the Story Phil. 2:6 Two Glories (continued) Etymology of dokeo - v. to appear, to seem Doxa - n. Opinion , eventually glory Orthodox, heterodox, paradox Eventually the verb was used of only a good opinion, therefore the noun meant “praise” Right opinion about God led to a correct opinion of God’s attributes
The Rest of the Story Phil. 2:6 Two Glories (continued) Orthodox Jew knew God as all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, merciful, faithful to his children, holy, just, loving etc. When he acknowledged this he was said to be giving God glory Anglo-Saxon word was “worth” Worth of a person is their character, intrinsic. Worth of God is his glory. Worth - ship
The Rest of the Story Phil. 2:6 Two Glories (continued) Jesus claimed to share this glory with God and had made it known to His disciples Shekinah Glory - idea of light or splendor Outward manifestation of God’s presence Moses on Mt. Sinai 2 Cor. 3:7 Angels at Christ’s birth
The Rest of the Story Phil. 2:6 Conclusion These two meanings of glory give us a clear picture of Christ’s oneness with God and the humbling of Himself when He became a man. Before the incarnation Jesus existed as equal with the Father, identical inwardly and outwardly. During the incarnation Jesus laid aside the outward glory so as to be accessible to sinful human beings, taking the form of a servant.
The Rest of the Story Phil. 2:6 Application Does Christ’s glory cause you to worship? 2 Corinthians 3:18 What is keeping you from displaying Christ’s glory in your life?