Family Structures Chapter 14. 3 Families and Crisis
What if Family? Family: Two or more people living in the same household that are related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
Single People: One who lives alone or with one or more roommates (more freedoms) Example: Friends, Two and Half Men
Couples: Couple without children in the home; married or not (focus on each other) Example: Martin, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory
Nuclear Families Consist of a couple and their children Example: Cosby Show
Single Parent Families One Parent and his/her children Example: Gilmore Girls
Blended/Step Families A couple with children from a previous relationship Example: Brady Bunch
Extended Families Relatives other than parents and children (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins) Example: Fresh Prince, Full House
Adoptive Families Adopted child not biologically linked to their parents (Legal) Example: Sister Sister, Modern Families
Legal Guardians One who has financial and legal responsibility for the care of a child Example: Big Daddy
Foster Families: Takes care of children on a temporary basis. Usually licensed by the state. Example: