Output for the Assessment In the 21st century classroom Course.


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Presentation transcript:

Output for the Assessment In the 21st century classroom Course

Getting the Main Idea Output for the Assessment In the 21st century classroom Course

In this project, students are expected to get the main idea of the story read and present their output using a Power Point Presentation Expected Output Group Individual PowerPoint Presentation Journal and Portfolio

Output for the Assessment In the 21st century classroom Course Project Description We usually read either to be informed or entertained. However, we sometimes end up more disappointed than enlightened for not being able to grasp the main idea of a passage we have read. To avoid this, we should be acquainted with how a paragraph is written. This will help us easily locate the main idea (if stated in the passage) or state it in our words (if not stated in the passage).

Output for the Assessment In the 21st century classroom Course Project Description The main idea, also called the topic sentence, is usually found at the beginning of a paragraph. It can also be found at the middle or the end of the selection. It may be implied or stated.

Output for the Assessment In the 21st century classroom Course Project Description There are ways to identify the main idea more easily. 1. Find out the common elements that the sentences share.

Output for the Assessment In the 21st century classroom Course Project Description 2. Determine the sentence or sentences that direct the whole paragraph into a single recognizable idea. 3. In case of an implied main idea, use the other clues by the author in order to know it.

Output for the Assessment In the 21st century classroom Course Standards and Objectives Targeted Standards Objectives Students read informational and literary materials. Suit one's reading style to the different text types: informative, journalistic and literary Students write informational and literary materials for different purposes, audiences and situation in their community. Demonstrate the ability to interpret and transcode information Students will understand the different process of making inferences, giving and asking information in oral discussions, written reports and group presentation Adjust and vary reading styles to suit the text, one's background knowledge of the topic discussed and one purpose for reading Students will get the gist of the selection read Gather data using library resources, newspaper and other print materials and non print materials like audio and video clips

Output in the Assessment In the 21st century classroom Course (Student) Brainstorming (Student) o Collaboration Checklist o Peer Assessment Checklist o Communication checklist o Reflective Journal o Creativity Checklist (Student) Presentation Rubric (Teacher) Discussions Questionnaire (Teacher) Discussions Questionnaire (Teacher) Presentation Rubric Checklists (Teacher) Presentation Rubric Checklists (Teacher) Conferences Observations Information Literacy Reflective Journal prompt (Teacher) Conferences Observations Information Literacy Reflective Journal prompt

Output for the Assessment In the 21st century classroom Course AssessmentProcess and Purpose of Assessment Brainstorm This process is to be used by students to assess their prior knowledge and understanding about the topic. D iscussion To be used by teacher at the beginning of every unit to have an overview and check background knowledge of the topic. If it is used at the middle of the unit it help me to gauge their progress.

Output in the Assessment In the 21st century classroom Course AssessmentProcess and Purpose of Assessment Peer Assessment Students are using this process to assess their capability and ability to assess themselves and help them improve their quality of works JournalsStudents used this process to write their reflection on the topic to come up with the realization of what improvement is still needed for the project. Collaboration checklists This process is to be used by students to assess their participation in the group discussion during the unit. And to encourage them to be cooperative and considerate Communication checklists Students used this process to gauge their communication skills in terms of presenting their ideas to if not avoid or at least minimized mannerisms

Output for the Assessment In the 21st century classroom Course Presentation Rubric To be used by the teacher to assess the quality of their presentation AssessmentProcess and Purpose of Assessment

Output for the Assessment In the 21st century classroom Course