Test Wednesday/ Thursday Acid and Base Review Test Wednesday/ Thursday
What is the chemical formula for hydrochloric acid? HCl
List 3 indicators we used in lab. Phenolphthalein Litmus paper Ph paper Cabbage juice
What numbers on the ph scale represent acids? Below 7
What is name for NaOH? Sodium Hydroxide
Is NaOH an acid or a base? base
What are the reactants in the basic neutralization formula? Acid + base
What happens to red litmus when exposed to an acid? Turns/stays red
Bases turn _____________ in the indicator phenolphthalein. pink
What is the ph of a neutral substance? 7
When combined with water OH- ions are released…. Acid or base?
What are the products of the basic neutralization process? Salt and water
What is the ph of a strong base? 13-14
When combined with water H+ ions are released…. Acid or base?
An organic compound that helps determine if substances are acids or bases is called an _______________. indicators
What are some effects of acid rain? Corrode cars, buildings, statues In the soil and pollute food
What is the chemical formula for aluminum hydroxide? AL(OH)3
What is the chemical formula for ammonia? NH3
Draw the ph scale: mark area of acids, neutral and bases
What indicator is the MOST specific? Ph/universal paper
Name one way Ph is used in the real world. - test swimming pools, drinking water, blood - pH of food
pH stands for _____________ hydrogen potential
Solutions containing ions that react with additional acids or bases to minimize the pH Buffers
An ionic compound made from acid and base in a neutralization reaction. Salt
What numbers on the ph scale represent bases? Above 7