Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? A memoir written by Jeanette Winterson. Girardi Cristina V B
Memoir A memoir is a literary genre. It's a subclass of autobiography. The writer doesn't write with cronological order of facts. The order of facts is determined by emotional imprint of the writer.
Title The tilte is a question: Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? Happy: what does it means? The memoir is a story of a continuous pursuit of happiness Normal : what does it means? “normal” is a behaviour according to the men
Dedication To her three mothers: Costance Winterson Ruth Rendell Ann S.
Costance Winterson Costance Winterson is J. Winterson's adoptive mother. She's very reliogious: “she read the Bible every night for half an hour” (chapter 3.) The writer describer her adoptive mother as a monster.
Ruth Rendell Ruth Rendell is an important english novelist. J. Winterson considers R. Rendell as her literature's mother.
Ann S. Ann S. is J. Winterson biological mother. She's an extraneous for Jeanette She was absent in J. Winterson's life.
Jeanette Winterson She was born in Manchester in 1965: “Manchester was a good place to be born”(chapter 2) She try to describe herself throught writing, using memoir tecnique.
Setting MANCHESTER: J. Winterson was born in Manchester. In the second chapter she describe the city and the changing of Manchester during the Industrial Revolution. ACCRINGTON: The place whre she lived after the addoption. She wasn't happy there because her step-mother thought that what made her happy was a sin, in fact she read only the Bible.
Chapters The intelligent reader understeand that J. Winterson writing about her life deal with differents iussues. The reader could understeant the different iussues just reading the chapter's title. (ex. Chapter 3: “In The Beginnig Was The Word” the iussue is the importance of language and words).