Bottomonium Discussion G.Manca 6 March 2013
Introduction - Bottomonium I will try to summarise what I think was interesting and needs to be discussed further 06.03.2013 G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop
G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop Upsilon family We discovered it We measured the cross sections, at different √s We measured the polarisation We measured the feed-down 06.03.2013 G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop
G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop What now ? Is it interesting to measure the cross sections to higher precision ? To higher pT? at different energies ? Maybe no, if we do not know the feed-down Also the 3S has some feed-down! Is this an interesting quantity 06.03.2013 G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop
G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop Polarisation CMS measured the polarisation-beautiful! Can we learn anything ? 06.03.2013 G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop
Maybe we should leave alone the Y… What about the cb? And the less famous sisters, hb, hb…? Everything can be measured there! Hard…How important ? 06.03.2013 G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop
G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop What about the Bc ? LHCb’s new “toy” Can Atlas and CMS see it ? We will soon have a lot of data. New decay channels Precise mass measurement Lifetime Excited states More ?? 06.03.2013 G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop
G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop Conclusions We have performed the “first” round of measurements. Now we have enough data to refine them and attack new areas. We alas also have limited manpower and bandwidth—what shall we do? Let’s have this kind of meetings once a year !!! They are great 06.03.2013 G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop
G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop extra 06.03.2013 G.Manca, LAL Charmonium Workshop
Upsilon Cross sections LHCb Unofficial The cross section of the three upsilons’ states was measured as a function of pT and y 7.03.2013 G.Manca, Charmonium Workshop @ LAL
G.Manca, Charmonium Workshop @ LAL Compared with theory LHCb Unofficial S. J. Brodsky and J.-P. Lansberg, PRD 81 (2010) 051502 NLO CSM slightly undershoots the data [direct production only] Better agreement with Y(3S) -> negligible (?) feed-down 7.03.2013 G.Manca, Charmonium Workshop @ LAL