The Fall Genesis 3.


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Presentation transcript:

The Fall Genesis 3

The Fall – (Genesis 3) I. In the Beginning A. God created Man in His Image – A Family (images the Trinity) 1) “In the Divine image He created him; male and female He created them” 2) God creates a married couple, and His first command is to be fruitful 3) Eve comes from Adam’s side (heart to heart) a. Foreshadows the Blood and Water coming from the Side of Christ

II. Temptation A. The devil attacks the family 1) Attacks Adam’s manhood by going after his wife 2) Eve betrays her role by encouraging Adam to sin B. The devil tells Adam and Eve to be suspicious of God

III. The sin A. Adam and Eve tell God: “We will decide what’s right and wrong 1) Adam acts out of weakness – fear of suffering 2) Eve acts out of desire – selfishness, not love

IV. Consequences A. Adam and Eve hide from God B. Their relationship is wounded 1) By making clothing, they defend themselves from each other C. God asks for their confession 1) Adam blames Eve and God 2) Eve blames the serpent

V. The Punishment – healing for the sin A. Adam will suffer to gain food 1) He learns to love by suffering to provide for his family B. Eve will suffer in childbirth 1) She learns to love by accepting pain to achieve a true good – learns to be self-giving

VI. The Promise A. The serpent is brought low 1) The dragon becomes a worm B. He promises a Savior 1) Gen. 3:15 – He promises a woman and a man 2) He will crush the head of the serpent