Course Structure
2) The Activities and Responsibilities of the Regulatory Body 1) Objectives and Scope 2) The Activities and Responsibilities of the Regulatory Body 3) Overview of Cyclotron Facilities 4) Cyclotron Accelerators: Operation and Components 2
5) Hot Cells and Production Systems 6) Interlocks, Alarms and Safety Systems 7) Design, Layout and Shielding 8) Radiation Protection Programs 9) Staff Requirements 3
10) Radiation Protection of Staff 11) Radiation Protection of the Public 12) Documentation of Procedures and Records Keeping 13) Radioactive Waste 14) Discharges in Cyclotrons Facilities 4
15) Accidents and Emergency Response Planning 16) Transport of Radionuclides 17) The Authorization Process 18) Authorization for the Construction of the Facility 19) Authorization for the Operation of the Facility 5
20) Authorization for the Decommissioning of the Facility 21) Inspections 6