THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR 1776-1778 By Mr. Argall and Mr. Forbes
All good things… With the victory over the British at Concord and the good showing at Bunker Hill, the Colonists are feeling good. They add victories at : Dorchester Heights (March) Colonials force the British out of Boston to NYC Fort Moultrie (June) Colonials defend Charleston SC from British invasion
Come to an end. The Battle of Long Island Washington rushed to NYC to try to stop the British He is outmaneuvered by Howe and is forced to retreat after heavy losses
More setbacks The Battle of Harlem Heights The Battle of Valcour Bay Washington covers his retreat, but is forced to leave NYC The Battle of Valcour Bay After a failed attempt to invade Canada in 1775, the British attack on Lake Champlain and destroy the Colonial flotilla there, ending the threat to Canada
These are the times that try men’s souls… The Battle of White Plains The final loss in 1776 that forced Washington to retreat across the Delaware River Losses of Fort Washington, Fort Lee, and 2 other defeats
The tide begins to turn On Dec 25th, Washington attacks and captures the Hessian garrison at Trenton, NJ On Jan 3rd, 1777, Washington follows up his victory at Princeton, NJ. He has to retreat however, and winters at Morristown, NJ.
The First Flag June, 1777
A British Plot The British come up with a new plan to defeat the Americans. General Johnny Burgoyne to invade from Canada Howe to come north to meet him from NYC The goal was to cut the colonies in half Divide and conquer
The plan fails General Johnny Burgoyne (aka Gentleman Johnny) begins well by capturing the important colonial outpost of Fort Ticonderoga Howe refuses to follow plans and instead of marching north he decides to attack Philadelphia (the capital of the colonies)
A gentleman lost With no support coming from Howe, Burgoyne was stranded. He loses the Battle of Bennington, takes high losses at the battle of Freeman Farm, halting his advance southward. By August 1777, Burgoyne is holed up in Fort Saratoga, and when attacked is forced to surrender to the Americans This is the first major victory for the Americans in the war!!!!!! The French recognize America as a country after the battle.
A Capital loss… While Burgoyne was surrendering, Howe pressed on towards Philadelphia. Wins at Brandywine Creek Wins at Paoli Wins at Germantown Philadelphia is captured in September of 1777 Congress simply relocates
Valley Forge Washington makes camp in Valley Forge PA for the Winter Very rough conditions Washington loses much of his army
1778 General Clinton replaces General Howe as the commander in America Fearing a French blockade, Clinton decides to move his army back to NYC He also decides to use the Native Americans to terrorize the frontier In March, the British send a peace delegation to the Colonial government granting all demands except for independence. It is denied.
The lone battle The Battle of Monmouth This turned out to be a draw after Lee messed up Clinton still gets to NYC However, the French officially agree to enter the war against the British in July Now it seems things favor the Americans