LImparfait vs le passé composé A Comparison
Review: le passé composé What type of action does the passé composé represent? What type of action does the passé composé represent? BOOM done (sudden); BOOM done (sudden); Completed action in the past; Completed action in the past; Happened once and did not repeat; Happened once and did not repeat; A series of separate events; OR A series of separate events; OR Focus on the beginning or end of an action Focus on the beginning or end of an action
Example: passé composé Jai donné le livre au professeur. Jai donné le livre au professeur. How many times did the action happen? How many times did the action happen? Was the action a habit? Was the action a habit?
Now...Limparfait In English: The Imperfect tense. In English: The Imperfect tense. It also is a past tense, but is very different. It also is a past tense, but is very different. Here is how it is used. Take this example: Here is how it is used. Take this example: Je donnais le livre au prof toujours. Je donnais le livre au prof toujours. What does this mean? What does this mean? I used to give the book to the teacher all the time. I used to give the book to the teacher all the time. Here is how the Imperfect is used: ED ES STRAW HAT Here is how the Imperfect is used: ED ES STRAW HAT
Emotion Je suis content! (present) Je suis content! (present) Jétais content hier! (in the past) Jétais content hier! (in the past)
Description La maison est grande. (present) La maison est grande. (present) La maison était grande. (in the past) La maison était grande. (in the past)
Ended Action Je restais dans mon lit quand le téléphone a sonné. (an interrupted action)
Situation Situation La classe était tranquille. La classe était tranquille.
Simultaneous Actions Le prof parlait quand jécoutais. quand
Traditions Quand jétais jeune, jallais à Vancouver toujours. Quand jétais jeune, jallais à Vancouver toujours.
Repeated Actions Same as traditions Same as traditions
Age Quand javais six ans, jaimais Mr. Dressup. Quand javais six ans, jaimais Mr. Dressup.
Weather Hier, il faisait beau. Hier, il faisait beau.
Habits Same as traditions Same as traditions
Adjectives Same as situations and descriptions. Same as situations and descriptions.
Time Il était trois heures quand la cloche a sonné.
Examples m m m m