Graphing Motion Distance Time graphs (AKA position time)
- y-axis represents distance - x-axis represents time What are distance-time graphs? Distance-time graphs show how far something travels in a certain amount of time - y-axis represents distance (dependent variable) - x-axis represents time (independent variable)
Use what you learned from the PhET moving man simulation……. Describe the type of movement for each line segment listed below. 1. 2. 3. 2 positive motion (up or to the right) 3 1 at rest – standing still (flat line with no slope) negative motion (down or to the left)
Straight lines constant motion or constant speed Curved lines motion that is not constant or speed that is not constant
The angle of the line in a graph is the slope The angle of the line in a graph is the slope. Rank the lines in the graph from highest slope (steep line) to the lowest slope. _____, _____, _____ A B C
A distance time graph may be used to determine SPEED
What is the speed for each line in the graph? B. C. 4 m / 1 s = 4 m/s 5 m / 3 s = 1.7 m/s 2 m / 3 s = 0.67 m/s
Graph 1 a) Two people head out for a walk. Looking at the graph below, which do you think is walking faster? red b) Using the graph, calculate the average speed of each person. Green person's speed: Red person's speed: 1.4 m / 2 s = 0.7 m/s 2 m / 1 s = 2 m/s
Graph 2 a) Two people head out for a bike ride. Looking at the graph below, which do you think is faster? purple b) Using the graph, calculate the average speed of each person. Purple person's speed: Yellow person's speed: 6 km / 1 hr = 6 km/hr 4.2 km / 3 hr = 1.4 km/hr