Risk Software Presentation
ERSG Introduction ERSG’s Risk Management Division has a diverse cross section of operations that include: ERS Group has 3 main offices – Australia, China & Saudi Arabia Operates in 28 Countries 84 full time consultants / trainers / auditors. Database of 91 specialist contractors ERSG Process Risk Management Division has a diverse cross section of key clients that include: Saudi ARAMCO Ma’aden [Saudi Arabian Mining Company] Ok Tedi Mining Ltd China Southern Grid (CSG) SABIC SINOPEC ERSG has a diverse range of JV’s and partners that include: Saudi Bin Laden Group – Saudi Arabia Penlan Consulting Pty Ltd - Australia ASSE-MEC – Saudi Arabia Australian Institute of Management (AIM) Safety Institute of Australia (SIA) RABQSA – Australia Australian Drilling Industry Training Committee (ADITC) © 2009. ERSG. All Rights Reserved.
Partners with World-Class Software Vendors
Enterprise EHS Software Medgate has Multiple Software Suites: Safety Suite Occupational Health Suite Industrial Hygiene Suite Training Suite Environmental Suite
Using Medgate’s Business Intelligence tools and your health and safety data, managers can make informed decisions for better outcomes.
Occupational Health Suite Audiometric Testing Practitioner Inbox Body Fluid Exposures Pulmonary Function Testing / Chest X-Ray Case Management Clinic Visit Questionnaires Clinical Testing Risk Assessment Drug Testing Scheduling Employer's Reports (WC Forms) Surveillance Recalls Equipment Training Immunization / Inventory Travel Clearance Medical Chart Vision Testing
Screens can be configured to suit the user. Multiple layouts available
Screens can be configured to suit the user. Multiple layouts available
Sample Audiometry Screen
Sample Audiometry Screen
Scientific Risk Analysis Tools
Process Hazard Analysis & Risk Software
Isograph has a wide variety of best-in-class software solutions: HAZOP + Fault Tree Analysis Availability Workbench Reliability Workbench RiskVu FRACAS + Attack Tree
HAZOP + Risk Matrix Data Sheet Views Customised Reports
Availability Workbench Integrated Modeling Detailed Reports
Training Services
Worldwide Support
Contact Us Australia – Head Office PO Box 751, Albany Creek Qld 4035, Tel: +61 (7) 3325-0034 Fax: +61 (7) 3325-2946 Saudi Arabia – GCC Head Office Gulf Consulting House, 5th Floor, Al-Flak Building King Abdulaziz Street Al-Khobar, 31952 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 (3) 887-1591 Fax: +966 (3) 887-4216 Email: info@ersgltd.com