Staying Well Made by: Mrs. Bandelian
Question #1 Question #2 Question #3 Question #4 Question #5 Finished
Make sure you are watching out for germs. Sorry . . . wrong answer Make sure you are watching out for germs. Try Again
Your doctor will help keep you healthy. Great job! Your doctor will help keep you healthy. Great job!
Which of the following is not someone who can help keep you healthy? dog parents doctor
Which of the following cannot be spread from person to person? head lice asthma cold germs
You can be allergic to dust and animals. True or false: You can be allergic to dust and animals. false true
I feel sick to my stomach If you are in school and you feel like your are going to throw up what should you tell your teacher? I am dizzy I have a fever I feel sick to my stomach I have a headache
A cold or chicken poxes are a type of what? allergy asthma disease vaccine
Itchy bumps on the skin might be what? sneezing asthma chicken pox head lice
Great Job! You are helping yourself stay healthy! Make sure you wash your hands before you eat anything tonight to get rid of germs.