English 10 - 5/14/18 What does it take to explain the way you think or feel thoroughly? How do you approach it? What did the pancake say to the baseball.


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Presentation transcript:

English 10 - 5/14/18 What does it take to explain the way you think or feel thoroughly? How do you approach it? What did the pancake say to the baseball player? Dat – a cross between a dog and a cat with the worst characteristics of each. Goals – Review the connection between your thesis controlling idea and your layering about life in general. Homework – Don’t forget to study forVocabulary #30. Checking dailies Tomorrow. Batter up.

English 10 - 5/15/18 How and when should you use transitions? What do you remember about relative clauses? How do you keep cool at a ball game? Rectalgia – literally, a pain in the rectum. Goals – Check dailies. Look again at body paragraphs, transitions, and relative clauses. Homework – Catch up by fixing problems with your essay. And adding transitions. Bring a fan!

English 10 - 5/16/18 What do you usually do when you write a closing paragraph? How does it differ from what I want? What is the best way to carve wood? Tattle basket – a gossip. Goals – Discuss and write closing paragraphs. Homework – none. Whittle by whittle.

English 10 - 5/17/18 Write about what you have to do to get the best score possible on your essay. What should you do first, second, thied, … ? How do you get a peanut to laugh? Yazzihamper – a lunkhead. Goals – Work on structure of your essay. Check it against the rubric and the structure of the assignment. Homework – Finish Essay? Crack him up.

English 10 - 5/18/18 Five minutes to study for vocabulary Quiz # 29. What do you get when you cross a goose and a camel? Smouger – a cheat; chisler. Goals – Successfully complete vocabulary study #29. Homework – Put finishing touches on Life of Pi paper. Goose bumps.