Expansionism Prior to the Civil War Our Growing United States
Key Ideas Prior to civil war, the US was growing Addition of Texas both as a republic and as a state Manifest Destiny gains importance in the expansion of the US War breaks out with Mexico After reaching the Pacific, Americans turn to internal changes.
Annexation of Texas 1820’s many slaveowners migrate to territory of Texas owned by Mexico. 1829 - Mexico tries to ban slavery. 1835 - armed rebellion breaks out. 1836 - “Texans” declare independence from Mexico. Santa Ana signs treaty recognizing Texas’ claim to territory all the way to the Rio Grande. Texas becomes a Republic, but most residents wanted to be part of US. President Jackson not wanting a war with Mexico delays the annexation. 1844 - Texas is annexed after much political wrangling during the Tyler presidency as well as the election of 1844.
Let’s Talk Politics Election of 1840 John Tyler placed on Whig ticket & wins election Tyler breaks from Whig party. Hopes to win next election pushing for annexation of Texas. Election of 1844 Democrats nominates James Polk/Whigs nominate Henry Clay Polk pushes for annexation of Texas and extending jurisdiction of Oregon. Narrowly wins over Clay.
Manifest Destiny & Expansionism First used in 1845 - expansionism founded on (3) grounds 1. God wanted his “chosen” nation to become stronger. 2. New territories would be made free and democratic. 3. Population was growing so rapidly, the nation needed more land.
War with Mexico After Texas was annexed, a boundary dispute w/Mexico occurred. President Polk sends troops to occupy the area in question, & a battle broke out. War is declared on May 13, 1846. Polk sees this as a chance to gain New Mexico & California. The Mexicans were defeated in a series of battles which culminated in the occupation of Mexico City in 1847. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the war. The U.S. gains the Rio Grande as a southern border, New Mexico, & California. Further expansion ended because - 1. Racism broke out as a result of the influx of Latin Americans, and 2. Anti-colonialism when the North complained about the length of the war and that only the South had benefitted from it.
Internal Expansion 1840’s-1850’s - railroads became main means of transporting freight which in turn stimulated the iron industry. Beginning of the industrial revolution w/more work done in factories. Ag remains important in nation’s economy. Northern economy booms because of technical advances.
Internal Expansion cont. 1840’s - 1860’s boom in immigration. About 4 million Europeans (mostly Irish & German) come to US. Immigrants took low-paying jobs. The development of slums, crime, and poor health conditions rise. 1840’s men enter the factory work system. Working conditions begin to worsen. The formation of unions by workers demanding changes.