OASIS KMIP & PKCS#11 Booth (RSA 2018) - Presentations Tony Cox (tony.cox@cryptsoft.com) KMIP TC Co-Chair KMIP Interop Lead 2018
Background Change in booth functionality requested in previous events Added space for 2018 make a few options possible Including a presentation area KMIP TC should provide input to the Booth Participants on effective use of the presentation area
High level requirements Promotion of OASIS (membership & participation) Promotion of the TCs and their work (the value of participation and what it delivers through the specification Promotion of individual vendors with respect to KMIP support
Presentations required 1 or 2 OASIS slots per day (OASIS Staff) 1 or 2 TC Slots per TC per day Individual vendor slots for each participant on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 2 options: 1 agreed standard deck to be presented by each Participant with 2-5 vendor-specific slides at the end (subject to TC review) Individual vendor presentations subject to TC review
TC presentations Speaker(s) Timing Content TC Co-Chairs/Co-editors/major contributors Timing 10-20 minutes Content Seeking input from TC Must be approved by TC
Vendor presentations Speaker(s) Timing PKCS#11 & TC Members (do we consider non members?) Timing 10-20 minutes Content (either option per slide 4) Must be approved by TC Promote TC work Promote vendor products in context of TC work