Children's Deployment Brief 2009
Coping with Separation When Family Members Deploy
How long will they be gone? What is it like living over there? Where are they going? When will they leave? How long will they be gone? What is it like living over there? What are the people like? How will this affect me?
When we first arrive?
Where your Mom or Dad will eat
Where can they shop...
Where will they sleep...
Do their children look like me?
What do the other people look like?
Does their country look different than ours?
What will they do over there?
How will we stay in touch?
Difficulties with deployment Issues you may have Difficulties with deployment Deployment Concerns Worry Watching the news
Coping Techniques Support Resources Personal Growth Warning Signs How TO DEAL WITH THEM Coping Techniques Support Resources Personal Growth Warning Signs
IMPORTANT You are not alone Your feelings are normal- Good and Bad Talk to your parent before they deploy It takes strength and courage to ask for help
Any Questions