Chapter 1 Introduction of Pharmacology [,fɑ:mə'kɔlədʒi] 药理学
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1 Concepts Drug: Definition: substances used for the prevention , treatment, and diagnosis of diseases; Sources: natural products; synthetic compounds; biological and biochemical materials
Pharmacology: The science of the study on the interactions of drugs with living organisms (including pathogenic [,pæθə‘dʒenɪk]病原的 microorganisms [maɪkrəʊ’ɔːg(ə)nɪz(ə)m]微生物 and parasites [‘pærə,saɪt] 寄生虫).
Pharmacodynamics (PD) [,fɑːməkəʊdaɪ'næmɪks] 药效学 is the study on the effects of drugs on the living organisms and the mechanisms of drug actions. What? What effect can a drug exert? How? How does a drug work?
Pharmacokinetics (PK) [,fɑ:məkəuki'netiks, -kai-] 药动学 Pharmacokinetics describes how the body affects drugs after administration through the mechanisms of absorption (A, 吸收) and distribution(D,分布), as well as the chemical changes of the substance in the body (metabolism, M, 代谢) and the routes of excretion (E,排泄) of the metabolites and the drug. How much How often How long ADME
2 Role of pharmacology in drug R&D and clinical application Preclinical Clinical Pharmacology Pharmacy Medicine
大纲要求 1、药物、药理学、药效学、药动学定义。 2、药理学的主要研究内容。
Glossary Pharmacology Pharmacodynamics Pharmacokinetics