TIENEN 5 MINUTOS Page 4 Unit 2, Section A, Day 2 Hoy es el _25____ de _febrero____ del __2013________ Objective : __I can read and understand Chapter 1 of Patricia va a ____ California______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Vocab/Ideas : __Ir a la escuela______________________________________ _____________Indígenas__________________________________________ _____________Venden/Compran___________________________________ _____________Llevan_____________________________________________ Vámonos : _____Translate the following sentences:____________________ _1. I arrive at school._____________________________________________ _2. She goes to the library. _______________________________________ _3. At what time is class? ________________________________________ _4. I wake up in my house.________________________________________
VÁMONOS 1. I arrive at school. 2. She goes to the library. 3. At what time is class? 4. I wake up in my house. Yo llego al colegio. Ella va a la biblioteca. ¿A qué hora es clase? Me levanto en mi casa.
VOCAB/IDEAS Our new vocabulary words will be on the top of the slide. If you think you know what the word means, raise your hand. I will call on someone to share the definition. For each new word, we will need an action. After we have the definition, if you can ACT OUT the word, raise your hand. I will call on someone to share the action with the class. Everyone will do the new action.
Ir a la escuela To go to school
Indígenas Indigenous People
Venden They sell
Compran They buy
Llevan They wear
GROUP GAME: MATAMOSCAS I will divide the classroom into 2 teams. Each team will line up in front of the board. When I say the word in English, the first person will swat the word on the board. They will then tell me the word/phrase in Spanish. For the team to get the point, everyone in line must be doing the action to go along with the word.
Compran Ir a la escuela ¿A qué hora? Indígenas Me levanto Venden La biblioteca Llevan Yo llego al colegio
READING PASSAGE: PATRICIA VA A CALIFORNIA BY BLAINE RAY, CHAPTER 1 While reading, underline passages you understand and circle words you do not know. Make sure you are writing the English in between the lines or on the side.
P. 4
P. 5
P. 6
PÁGINA 7 Exit Ticket: 1. Describe el país de Guatemala. 2. ¿De dónde eres Patricia? 3. Describe las indígenas de Guatemala. 4. ¿Qué llevan las chicas? 5. Describe el verano en Guatemala.
PÁGINA 7 Behavior Reflection : Today I rated my behavior as a (1 worst, 10 best) ____ because ________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ My behavior impacted my learning and participation in a ____________ way because ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ In the future my behavior will _____________ because I will ___________ __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Content Reflection: Two things I understood today were: ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Two things I did not understand today were: ________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
TAREA Packet Day 2: Story Summary 1 Print out your quizlet flashcards and add pictures. Also re-read the story and write a short summary in English. Have your parents sign that you completed this assignment!!!