Progress on the Bucket Eradication Programme Presentation to the Portfolio Committee
Introduction Department of Water Affairs has adopted a hands on Programme Management approach for the Bucket eradication programme Funding for the programme has been ring-fenced Dedicated support focusing on programme in place (about 20 engineers) The programme enjoys high levels of political support and leadership Significant lessons for all involved have emerged from the programme
Budget February 2005 bucket backlog was 252 254 buckets, based on 2001 Census Includes all buckets in formal and informal settlements Budget of R1.2 billion allocated over MTEF, including R200million to municipalities with capacity for “quick wins” (2005/06) R400million to municipalities with some capacity (2006/07) R600 million to municipalities with no capacity & those receiving bucket allocations for the first time (2007/08) R400 million at beginning of 2007
Background Department of Water Affairs has adopted a hands on Programme Management approach for the Bucket eradication programme Funding for the programme has been ring-fenced Dedicated support focusing on programme in place (about 20 engineers) The programme enjoys high levels of political support and leadership Significant lessons for all involved have emerged from the programme
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE (cont’d.) 5 PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE (cont’d.) Table 1: Progress to Date Province Bucket Backlog (Mar 07) Buckets Removed (Apr – Jun) Buckets Removed (Jul – Sep) Total Delivery YTD (up to Sep) Bucket Backlog (30Sep) 2007 EC 14 514 529 3 692 4 221 13 733 FS 85 102 6 825 5 982 12 808 64 155 GP 750 NW 5 268 918 1 000 1 918 2 600 NC 6 680 661 378 1 039 3 879 WC 1 521 87 3875 474 686 National 118 301 9 771 11 439 21 210 85 772
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE (cont’d.) 6 PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE (cont’d.) Table 2: Indicating that 94% of the current backlog is under construction Province Backlogs per Region Construction Phase Tender Phase Design Phase EC 13 733 11 895 667 1 171 FS 64 874 63 155 1 036 683 GP NW 2 600 NC 3 879 2 524 111 1 244 WC 686 678 8 National 85 772 80 852 1 822 3 098
High Risks Provinces Free State Province to take over bucket eradication programme in about in 6 municipalities Provincial leadership to finalize technology options with communities and deal with expectations of communities in informal settlements DWAF to assist with procurement and implementation Eastern Cape During month of July 500 buckets removed Following recent reallocation of funding and appointment of contractors, major spikes in delivery expected in September and DWAF and DPLG to intensify hands on monitoring Northern Cape- Main challenges unavailability of water Funding shortages have been resolved, Backlog is spread throughout municipalities
7 CHALLENGES Key Challenges Provinces Intervention Insufficient funding EC; FS; NC; WC DPLG has requested R 201 million from National Treasury If above is not approved, DWAF will use internal funds (shift from bulk infrastructure) Geotechnical challenges necessitating extensive rock excavations FS; NC; WC Specialists from DWAF deployed to affected municipalities to do Situational Analysis and provide recommendations Rejection of “dry sanitation” option by communities FS; NC Political intervention required
8 CHALLENGES EC; NC Key Challenges Provinces Intervention Inadequate capacity to do monitoring and evaluation EC; NC 10 Officials from National Sanitation Unit deployed to municipalities; Lack of technical capacity In process to appoint 12 Project Managers through USAID 10 Officials from Limpopo to be deployed to Eastern Cape and Northern Cape
INTERVENTION PLANS SUPPORT PLAN The joint technical task team between dplg and DWAF supervises and guide the national support team. Current DWAF dplg and Siyenza Manje technical resources will be organized into a national support team. This team will intervene in: Provisioning of “hands on” support Direct supervision of construction Monitoring of progress Provisioning of regular reporting DWAF to mobilize resources from existing pools of officials from Limpopo to be “deployed” in Free State and Eastern Cape Mid September, officials from Head office to be sent to identified hot spot areas to provide hands on support Intensification of Communication at all 3 spheres of Government as an integral part of service delivery
INTERVENTION PLANS DWAF has put mechanisms in place to get reports on a bi-weekly basis and access more detailed reports The National Task Team is relying on Political leadership to create a conducive environment for interventions DWAF and DPLG managers are hands on in the Provinces to provide strategic guidance to the programme DWAF and DPLG is facilitate mobilization of resources between municipalities
Conclusion The implementation of the Action Plan will lead to meeting the Dec 2007 target. Free State and Northern Cape continue to pose risks, the Provinces will be the focus of support. Delivery is expected to rise sharply in October as many contractors have just commenced work There will be close monitoring and accurate reports Communication especially by political leadership remains key to the success of the programme With cooperation and creativity between and within municipalities, delivery is expected to increase to the required levels