CFP Reform and the future Data Collection Framework - Impact on fisheries statistics Fisheries Statistics Working Group 2013 14-15 October 2013 Bas Drukker.


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Presentation transcript:

CFP Reform and the future Data Collection Framework - Impact on fisheries statistics Fisheries Statistics Working Group 2013 14-15 October 2013 Bas Drukker DG MARE

In this presentation : Impact CFP on Fisheries statistics Outcomes of CFP negotiations & implications for DCF Transition measures for 2014 Consultations on DCF amendments Duplications and overlaps under DCF and ESTAT

1. Impact CFP Reform on fisheries statistics New CFP foresees in a gradual introduction of a discard ban or landings obligation: Some discards will still be allowed "de minimis" especially for mixed fisheries Undersized fish landed, but not for human consumption Overquota fish must be landed but can be counted against other quota species (up to a certain amount) All must be recorded SE-DK analysis of their discard data in Skaggerak: using DCF you collect data on discards of all species (13-17 species) vs if you rely only on current Control Reg (discard data only to be collected for over 50kg/Species/trip) leading to data on only 1-3 species being collected. In DK of 2000 vessels in the fleet, only 3 reported any discards in recent years…

2. Landings for human consumption 1. Impact CFP (discard ban) on fisheries statistics 2. Landings for human consumption 3. Landings for purposes other than human consumption 1. Catch 4. Over-quota landings Under the reformed CFP, and for stocks where the landings obligation has come into force, there are 4 possible destinations for fish which are caught. Some fish may still be discarded, but these quantities must be recorded. Fish which are landed will normally be sold for human consumption, but if they are undersized (ie smaller than conservation reference sizes) they cannot be sold for human consumption. Some fish may be counted against quotas of a different species, which is being targeted by the fishery, but this is relevant only for quota management. If fish are caught for which no quota is available and for which the discard allowances have been used up, then an infringement of the regulation will have taken place, but the fish still have to be landed. We consider that "capture fish production" in FAO terms would be sum of the quantities in boxes 2, 3 and 4 above. Even under the discard ban, some discards may be allowed in certain specific cases. These are the "de minimis" quantities, which have to be recorded but are not counted against quotas. 5.Allowable discards at sea ("de minimis" rules)

1. Impact CFP Reform on fisheries statistics Consequences for fisheries stats and data collection: Still difference remains between catch and landings More categories of data to be recorded : Fish for human consumption Undersized fish for other purposes Amount of fish counted under quota of different species Overquota landings Amount of discards How to collect these data and by whom still to be decided (observers, inspectors, at landing site, at sea) SE-DK analysis of their discard data in Skaggerak: using DCF you collect data on discards of all species (13-17 species) vs if you rely only on current Control Reg (discard data only to be collected for over 50kg/Species/trip) leading to data on only 1-3 species being collected. In DK of 2000 vessels in the fleet, only 3 reported any discards in recent years…

2. Outcomes of CFP negotiations & implications for DCF

How is DC regulated under current CFP? Regulation 199/2008 legal base for COM adopt 3 yearly multi annual plans (2008-2010; 2011-2013) Financed by Reg 861/2006 (central direct management)

CFP reform proposal COM: Regulation 199/2008 repealed, CFP (Article 37) will be legal basis for DC-MAP (7 ys or more) Financed by EMFF (shared management)

29 May: Political Agreement on CFP Data Collection - Article 37 Key Issues: Regulation 199/2008 will continue to be the legal instrument for data collection Regulation 199/2008 must be amended to take along principles established in Art. 37

29 May: Political Agreement on CFP Good news: finally clear what needs to be done Bad news: it will take more time (>2ys) to update and improve the DC framework To cover the intermediate period COM has "rolled-over" EU Multiannual Programme 2011-2013 2014-2016 (adopted in August) and MS National Programmes (adopted in Sept)

29 May: Political Agreement on CFP What are the principles and objectives of CFP reform to be included in Regulation 199/2008? The content of Article 37 Other objectives and principles of the CFP: MSY, Landing obligation, sustainable fishing, regionalization, aquaculture, etc EMFF financing In addition: update the comitology rules according to the Lisbon treaty

CFP-Compromise - Article 37 Member States shall collect biological, environmental, technical, and socio-economic data, manage them and make them available to end users. The data shall in particular enable the assessment of: (a) the state of exploited marine biological resources; (b) the level of fishing and the impact that fishing activities have on the marine biological resources and on the marine eco-systems, and c) the socio-economic performance of the fisheries, aquaculture and processing sectors within and outside Union waters. -> aquaculture will be extended to cover freshwater

CFP-Compromise - Article 37 Key principles Data to be accurate, reliable & provided in time Avoiding duplication of data collection for different purposes; Safe storage and protection of collected data Access to data Availability to bodies with a research or management interest in the scientific analysis of data in the fisheries sector and to any interested parties, save in circumstances where protection and confidentiality are required under applicable EU law; Public availability of Annual Reports

CFP-Compromise - Article 37 Key principles National coordination & national correspondent. Coordination with other Member States in the same region, and effort to coordinate actions with third countries having sovereignty or jurisdiction over waters in the same region. Failure by a Member State to collect and/or to provide data in a timely manner to an end-user may result in a proportionate suspension or interruption of relevant Union financial assistance to that Member State, in accordance with the provisions of the EMFF Regulation.

CFP-Compromise - Article 37 Conclusion: current legal framework remains, must be updated in accordance with Art. 37 of CFP and CFP Reform objectives and financial (EMFF) situation Technical details to be updated: consultation with data collectors, data users, other experts: ICES, STECF, JRC, EUROSTAT

3. Transition measures for 2014

Data collection obligations Council Decision 199/2009 & Commission Decision 665/2008 EU Programme : Current Commission Decision 2010/93/EU adopting the EU programme for the period 2011-2013 is valid until end 2013. Commission Decision adopting the EU programme for the period 2014-2016 was adopted. National Programmes : national programmes 2011-2013 are valid until end 2013. National programmes 2014-2016 will be adopted soon. Given the delay in the adoption of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) Basic Regulation & of the DC-MAP, it was decided, to ensure the continuity in data collection, to prolong the current EU & National programmes for the period 2014-2016

EMFF – State of play Council Partial general approach in October 2012 (for Articles 1-95) Partial general approach on 15 July 2013 (for the rest of the EMFF text - articles on definitions, criteria for financial allocations to the MS, delivery system)

EMFF – State of play Parliament PECH Committee vote on 10 July 2013 – no mandate given to EP for trilogues Vote in Plenary in September Formal trilogues among the three institutions (COM, Council and Parliament) – after the vote in Plenary – will start in October Adoption expected not before end 2013

4. Consultations on DCF amendments

Consultations ICES feedback on DC-MAP (May 2013) General comments Table on stocks & data needs JRC feedback on DC-MAP (May 2013) Analysis of data used by STECF compared to data covered by DCF – should we change Appendices of Com Dec 2010/93/EU? Analysis of timing of MARE/JRC data calls & data availability in MS – could we change our data call calendar for 2014? Analysis of contents of MARE/JRC data calls – could we change the coverage/number of data calls for 2014?

Consultations STECF EWG 13-05 (June 2013) Analysis of data used by STECF compared to data covered by DCF Design based sampling Core Data Collection Programme / optional and variable parameters. MS obligations and tasks: multi-annual programs (Chapter of OP; AWP under EMFF), Definitions of key terms; Glossary of Economic terms By-catch of non-fisheries species

Consultations Further consultation on outstanding issues in STECF 13-18 (25-29 November ) Regional coordination: RCM s to RCGs Aquaculture and processing data Biological variables Med& BS Transversal variables Economic and Social Parameters Proposal for core parameters versus variable/ optional parameters Bycatch; data for MSFD indicators Data storage, quality control, data use, access and provision, end-user reponsibility Feasibility study on data storage Results expected begin 2014

Next steps on DCF review Further discussions on Discards obligation data Ecosystem data Principle of accessibility Duplications, redundancies, new data needed

5. Duplications and overlaps under DCF and ESTAT

Duplications and overlaps CFP: Duplication must be avoided Duplications in data collection or reporting? Apparent differences in results: need to clarify origin, definitions, moment of collection of the data Aquaculture: more variables needed in DCF than in ESTAT Processing: data collection only useful if also data available on origin of raw materials (currently not collected)

Duplications and overlaps How to solve? Aquaculture: continue to collect data under ESTAT and collect additional variables under DCF less frequently ESTAT to collect more variables Processing: Collect data on raw material less frequently under DCF Carry out a study on raw material once Discontinue data collection on processing

Duplications and overlaps Your views please!