We are learning to… Discuss the extent to which health is impacted by income. 1
Success Criteria I can plan an essay which concludes on the extent to which heath is impacted by income.
To what extent does income impact health in the UK? To what extent… 20 marks To what extent does income impact health in the UK? 20 MARKS
Geographical Location Income impacts health Gender/ Ethnicity Geographical Location Lifestyle Choices
Geographical Location
Gender/ Ethnicity
Lifestyle Choices
Candidates in this question will use their Knowledge and Understanding to answer the question and can be awarded up to 8 marks for this. 12 marks come from analysis and evaluative comments that the candidate makes . This question is simply bringing the evaluative and analyse question from earlier in the paper together. Maximum 6 marks per developed point. Marks for structure/coherence of argument – up to 2 marks for this. Introduction and Conclusion.
For each paragraph… Knowledge Analysis Knowledge KAKAE Evaluate
Essay Plan Paragraph 2 Link to previous paragraph- Glasgow Effect. Poverty is an issue but in Glasgow the decline of industry has also had an impact. Issue of Unemployment. North/ South divide. Clear difference in life expectancy. Geographical location is very closely linked to poverty. Glasgow has some of the worst health statistics and they vary dramatically within the city itself. The more affluent areas have higher life expectancies. Location is a major factor but is very closely linked to poverty and income. Paragraph 1 Poor health can be related to income as demonstrated by the various reports. The Biology of Poverty/ 2016 Scottish Health Survey results Divide between the rich and poor in society. However, The Three Cities Report highlights that mortality rates are higher in Glasgow although they have the same poverty rates as Liverpool and Manchester. This demonstrates that income and poverty may not be the sole factor.
Younger people more likely to binge drink. Paragraph 4 Lifestyle choices impact on health. Smoking, drinking and drugs are all lifestyle choices and can result in poor health. Individualists believe that you are responsible for your own diet and well being. Younger people more likely to binge drink. However, obesity is linked to social class, therefore related to income. Smoking is a factor that can explain the different mortality rates between the classes. Lifestyle choices a key factor but very closely linked to your lifestyle chances. Paragraph 3 Gender is linked to health. Men have a shorter life expectancy but women have more illness throughout their lives. Men make poorer choices and take part in more risk taking activities. Less likely to visit the doctor. Women suffer from more stress and depression. This is very much linked to income and poverty. Head lone parent households. Responsibility of looking after the family Stuck in low paid employment. Gender is an issue but a very strong and clear link to income, poverty and social class.
To what extent… 20 marks How to answer the question At the end of each paragraph remember to write your EVALUATION. This shows that gender is a factor which impacts upon health but only to a certain extent as income is clearly related because… It could be argued that income has a massive impact upon health because… You need to say that the main factor INCOME is important but other factors do play part but INCOME can also be linked to all factors.