Monday, January 14 Choose your seats for the week – if there is a problem I will choose for you, so be sure to pick WISELY. Copy down your assignments – get your assignment book signatures ready to show me. Make your lunch count and make it legibly. Get your Monday folders signed!
RW (Mon): To what rights are all children entitled? Opening: Quick write: Think back to when you were younger. “When I was seven, I was ….” Share/discuss. Work Period: Mother Jones, pg 223, blue/white Read “Mother Jones” – as you read, track thoughts, questions, connections, etc. After reading: Define the following vocab - Vast Textile Treacherous Hunched Various Publicity Mutilated Placards Prosperity Dormitory “piercing glance” contraption Grueling Finished? Read ch. 1 and 2 INDEPENDENTLY of Number the Stars, being sure to track your thoughts, questions, and connections in your reading folder in preparation for group Friday. Closing: Share out
WW: We will investigate possible topics about which to write. Opening: Thesis Statements; How do you Determine a Topic of a Paper Work Period: Create a circle map #1) Science-based of possible C/E/R topics Create a circle map #2) Social Studies-based of possible C/E/R topics Share with a partner – get their input! Closing: Whole-class share
Math (Mon): We will determine whether or not ratios form proportions. Opening: Setting Up Proportions to Solve Word Problems Example 1, 2, 3 Work Period: pg 120, #15-20, 33-37 Grade/Discuss – questions? Closing: Share out – do ratios form proportions?
SS (Mon): What cultural and geographic features help define Russia and the Caucasus? Opening: Quick write: “10 things I know about Russia and the Caucasus ….” Share and compare …. Work Period: Read ch. 33, Section 1 – Physical Geography Answer the reading checks and the Section 1 Assessment Grade – FA Closing: Quick check: “10 things I know about Russia and the Caucasus ….” (this should be fun)
Tuesday, January 15 Same seats as yesterday. Copy down your assignments. Make your lunch count and make it legibly. Work on and study for your spelling test Friday. Anything to be passed out today?
RW (Tue): If I were going on a March, I would …. Opening: My childhood to theirs …. Work Period: Using TEXT EVIDENCE, answer the following prompts: Why do you think she was referred to as “MOTHER Jones?” Choose ONE of the quotes from Mother Jones. 1) write the words from the chosen quote and 2) interpret her meaning in YOUR OWN WORDS Stopping after paragraph 5, create a flow map explaining WHY the laws in Pennsylvania had been ineffective. Choose a sign from paragraph 11 the marchers carried and 1) write the words from the chosen sign and 2) interpret their meaning in YOUR OWN WORDS Determine the following ratios using numbers from the text: crowd in paragraph 13 to the crowd in paragraph 22; beginning number of marchers to marchers in paragraph 21 According to paragraph 3, EXACTLY how many striking workers were under age 16? (Do the math.) Create a multi-flow map with “Mother Jones goes on a March” in the center, at LEAST three events on either side. Finished? Finished? Read ch. 1 and 2 INDEPENDENTLY of Number the Stars, being sure to track your thoughts, questions, and connections in your reading folder in preparation for group Friday. Closing: Grade/discuss (FA)
WW (Tues): We will begin assessing our C/E/R topics. Opening: What do you think makes a SUCCESSFUL C/E/R topic? Work Period: Looking at your SCIENCE circle map from yesterday – 1) Choose THREE possible topics from your science circle map 2) Create a bubble map/brace/multi-flow over EACH – what could be your C/E/R claims? 3) Share with a partner – where do they see strengths? Weaknesses? Interests? Not-so-much? Closing: Whole class share-out
Math (Tues): We will compare ratios in simplest form. Opening: Proportion Word Problems Work Period: lesso n4.2 pg 120, #1-4, 5-13 odd, 22-30 Grade, discuss Closing: Share out – with what parts of proportions are we still struggling?
SS (Tue): What cultural and geographic features help define Russia and the Caucasus? Opening: Quick write “10 things I like about our culture” Work Period: Read ch. 33, Section 2 – History and Culture Answer the reading checks and the Section 2 Assessment Grade – FA Closing: Discussion – differences you see?
Wednesday, January 16 Same seats as yesterday. Copy down your assignments. Make your lunch count and make it legibly. Work on and study for your spelling test – it will be on Friday this week. Anything to be passed out today?
RW (Wed): What are character traits leaders have in common? Opening: Actually DO this: Contest: Who can bend over the longest (trust me …)? Work Period: : “About Cesar” pg 241, blue/white Read “About Cesar” – as you read, track thoughts, questions, connections, etc. After reading: Choose 12 of the following vocab to define using context clues: entrepreneur, “militant non-violent”, crusader, migrant, insatiable, eclectic, barrio, adversity, constraints, imposed, entirely, unprecedented, assets, abolishment, parental leave, amnesty, negotiate, transcends, forged, diverse, coalition, embodies, posthumously, relevant Finished? Finished? Read ch. 1 and 2 INDEPENDENTLY of Number the Stars, being sure to track your thoughts, questions, and connections in your reading folder in preparation for group Friday. Closing: Share/compare/discuss
WW (Wed): We will begin assessing our C/E/R topics. Opening: What do you think makes a SUCCESSFUL C/E/R topic? Work Period: Looking at your SS circle map from yesterday – 1) Choose THREE possible topics from your social studies circle map 2) Create a bubble map/brace/multi-flow over EACH – what could be your C/E/R claims? 3) Share with a partner – where do they see strengths? Weaknesses? Interests? Not-so-much? Closing: Whole class share-out
Math (Wed): We will create graphs to display proportional relationships. Opening: Graphing Proportions Pg 122, Examples 1-3 Work Period: Pg 123, 3-8b – complete independently, being sure to SHOW YOUR THINKING!! Go over answers together – FA Closing – questions? Where do you stand with ratios?
Science (Wed): We will comprehend the difference between uni- and multi- celled organisms. Opening: Mitosis; Notes in Science journal Work Period: Read chapter 5, Lesson 2 in science book 1) Define the vocabulary IN YOUR OWN WORDS 2) Answer the reading checks found throughout the lesson Closing: Grade as a class (FA)
Thursday, January 16 Same seats as yesterday. Copy down your assignments. Make your lunch count and make it legibly. Work on and study for your spelling test – it will be on Friday this week. Anything to be passed out today?
RW (Thur): What are the character traits a leader must possess? Opening: Work Period: Using yesterday’s reading, “About Cesar”, answer the following questions/prompts: 1) What is one claim workers could make regarding their work conditions? Provide E/R supporting thus claim. 2) Create a double-bubble map connecting Mother Jones to Cesar Chavez. Be specific, include text evidence, and be creative. 3) “…helping ordinary people do extraordinary things….” Explain. Finished? Read ch. 1 and 2 INDEPENDENTLY of Number the Stars, being sure to track your thoughts, questions, and connections in your reading folder in preparation for group Friday. Closing: Share/compare/discuss
WW (Thur): We will select a topic for our C/E/R writing projects. Opening: How do authors land on writing topics? Interview with Gail Gibbons Work Period: Looking at the brainstorming you have created the past three days, land on a final topic for your C/E/R. Ask yourself the following questions: Is this TRULY a claim? Will I be able to EFFECTIVELY write a paper regarding this claim? Will my readers find this topic interesting? Closing: Share out – what topics have we chosen? Thoughts?
Math (Thur): We will create graphs to display proportional relationships. Opening: Graphing Proportional Relationships Work Period: Big Ideas Workbook, pg 63-68 Grade/discuss – FA Closing: Ticket out: “One thing of which I am STILL unsure how to do is ….”
Sci (Thur): We will comprehend the difference between uni- and multi- celled organisms. Opening: Unicellular and Multicellular Notes in Science Journals Work Period: Review chapter 5 lesson 2 Answer the lesson review on page 171, INCLUDING PAGE NUMBERS with your answers Finished? Grade – Science SA Closing: Class discussion = what did you find to be the most interesting difference/similarities? Which category do we fall under?
Friday, January 17 Same seats as yesterday Copy down your assignments Make your lunch count an make it legibly Anything need to be passed out? Prep your paper for your spelling test – half sheet, heading, numbered, etc. Study for your spelling test – it is today!
Stations (Fri): We will work cooperatively to design and evaluate, using the concepts we have learned this week. Station 1: Computer/Techno: Study Island, AR tests, etc Station 2: Science: Following the Scientific Method step-by-step in your science journals, create a lego model of a cell organism of your choice form chapter 5. EACH PART must be labeled and represented. I will be grading your written sci. method as an SA!) Station 3: Readers: Number the Stars Chapter 1 & 2 comprehension questions/discussion – turn in to the tray when done Finished? Read silently and independently. Need to go to the library, you may go, please let me know.