Chapter 21 Informal Reports
Informal Reports Are routine documents inside all workplaces Often replace memos, letters, and emails May function as a piece of a longer document Inform specific audiences and solve problems Take many forms to address different workplace and rhetorical situations
Types of Informal Reports Progress reports Lab reports Directives Incident reports
Progress Reports Update audiences on an ongoing project Detail where a project is in relation to its overall goals and objectives Are written during various stages of a project Are attentive to the project's time-frame
Lab Reports Document the procedures, methods, and results of an experiment and explain their significance Demonstrate the writer’s understanding of the data and the underlying concepts & principles Usually cover a great deal of information for their readers, explaining purposes, results, problems, and recommendations
Components of Lab Reports Title page Abstract Introduction that states objectives Materials Procedures followed during the experiment Results and discussion of those results Conclusions References, if any Appendices that provide raw data
Directives Apprise audiences of policies or procedures that they should know and follow Explain where new policies came from, their specifics, and how readers should comply Often grouping information under separate headings, for clarity
Incident Reports Document events in the workplace such as accidents, emergencies, and problems Explain to readers what caused the incident and how the incident is being handled May also serve as a kind of warning
Elements of Informal Reports Introduction Announces the project, explains the role of the writer, and identifies the purpose Body Provides details, often organized in subsections Conclusion Reviews pertinent information and asks the audience to take action
Composing Informal Reports As writers consider the Problem-Solving Approach, these concerns are crucial: Audience needs Purpose Type of report Tone and style Layout and design principles Revisions and transmission
Ethical Issues Ethical reports must disclose everything the audience needs to know about a project, experiment, situation, or problem. Ethical reports must accurately record and report results and correctly explain problems.