Bank Contracts Current arrangements Clinical staff need to have a substantive contract in order to have a bank contract Bank hours need to be worked in units managed by the same Modern Matron or manager as the substantive contract.
Why make changes? Current agency providers cannot meet the Trust’s requests for temporary staff Ward managers are finding their own temporary staff. Costs. Continuity of care for service users.
Proposals for bank contracts Establish a Trust bank of staff No need to have a substantive contract Bank worker will be booked to work on specific ward/dept with a host manager but may be asked to work on a different ward/department to meet service needs
Proposed Process The bank worker may work in different units and have confirmation of the hours worked and cost codes on the time sheet by the appropriate manager. The Host manager will sign the timesheet and ensure that working hours do not exceed WTD (subject to Opt out) and will forward time sheet to payroll in the usual way.
Proposals for employment All stand alone bank workers must undergo the same pre employment checks as substantive staff and should not commence work until all checks are completed All stand alone bank workers must attend Trust Induction and mandatory training All stand alone bank workers will be paid monthly in arrears
Proposed conditions The Trust has no obligation to offer bank work. The bank worker must attend for work at the required location. Frequent cancellations of shifts by the worker will jeopardize the permanence of the bank contract . If no shifts are worked over a 6 month period the bank worker will be removed from the trust payroll.
The host manager is responsible for Proposed conditions The host manager is responsible for the completion and despatch of time sheets ensuring that the worker maintains mandatory training, CPD and professional registrations. Allocation of shifts.
Proposals for bank contracts Any Questions?