Mrs. Batallan and Mrs. Sanchez 1st Grade Manatees Mrs. Batallan and Mrs. Sanchez 1st Grade
Table of Contents What do manatees look like? Where do manatees live? Why are manatees threatened? References
What do manatees look like? Manatees are large, gray aquatic mammals. They have two flippers. Their head and face are wrinkled. They have whiskers on their snout . Manatees are called sea cows because they resemble a cow.
Where do manatees live? Manatees can be found in shallow rivers, saltwater bays, canals, estuaries, and coastal areas.
Why are manatees threatened? The biggest threat to manatees are humans. Most manatee deaths are caused by collisions with watercrafts operated by humans. The most serious threat that manatees face is loss of their habitat. There are approximately only 3,000 manatees left in the United States.
References Save the Manatee Club The Magnificent Manatee Animal Bytes