Saquen una hoja de papel. Escriban sus nombres y el periódo de su clase. Escriban el título: Evaluación personal 1A Contesten todas las preguntas. Evaluación personal 1A
Evaluación personal 1A C = Can do N = Needs practice G = Still a goal I can ask for help in class in Spanish.I can ask for help in class in Spanish. I understand most of the classroom commands without help.I understand most of the classroom commands without help. I can tell my teacher what I need in Spanish.I can tell my teacher what I need in Spanish. I can ask my teacher and classmates basic questions about class.I can ask my teacher and classmates basic questions about class. I can hold an introductory polite conversation in 100% Spanish.I can hold an introductory polite conversation in 100% Spanish. I can tell someone how I am in many different ways.I can tell someone how I am in many different ways.
Answer the following questions honestly. 1.What do you think about how we are doing things in class this year? 2.How do you feel about the ways you are being assessed this year? 3.What do you think about having less homework? Does it keep you from learning? 4.What are your concerns if any? 5.What do you like the best so far? Evaluación personal 1A