Some Virtues and Vices
A virtue is a good way for a person to be A virtue is a good way for a person to be. Virtues are nice things about people. We like people for their virtues.
A vice is a bad way for a person to be A vice is a bad way for a person to be. Vices are nasty things about people. We dislike people for their vices, and wish they would stop. Slothful Wrathful
Justice (being just) or honesty means treating others fairly, and without lying to them. It usually means following the law, too. It is a virtue.
Lady Justice has a sword, which enforces the law, and scales, which says what the law is.
Injustice (being unjust) or dishonesty means being unfair to others, by lying, cheating, or stealing. It is a vice.
This robber first stole some money, and then lied about stealing This robber first stole some money, and then lied about stealing. That was very unjust, very dishonest.
Prudence or wisdom (being wise) is knowing how to behave, especially when things are difficult in life. It is a virtue.
When people get into fights for no good reason, the prudent, wise thing is not to get into the fight yourself.
Foolishness is not knowing how to behave. It is a vice.
It is foolish to be silly, when you should be serious.
Courage or bravery (being brave) means doing what you have to do even though you are scared. It is a virtue.
The man was courageous, he was brave, because he stood in front of a bunch of big tanks.
Cowardice (being a coward) is not doing what you have to, just because you are scared. It is a vice.
The boy is running away in the middle of a fight—that is being a coward.
Temperance (being temperate) or self-control means staying calm and not doing whatever you feel like doing, just because you want to. It is a virtue.
That dog did not eat the chicken! It had good self-control.
Intemperance (being intemperate) or losing control means doing something just because of how you feel, even though you know it is wrong. It is a vice.
This man lost control and shouted at his computer, because he was frustrated.
Gluttony means eating too much Gluttony means eating too much. It is a kind of intemperance and is a vice.
When Templeton ate too much, he got fat. So he was a glutton!
Charity or loving means feeling kindness to everyone, wanting to help them become happy. It is a virtue.
Perhaps she is poor herself, but she loves and feels charity for all these little children. She wants them to be happy.
Greed or selfishness is to want as much for yourself as possible, especially by not thinking of what other people want or need. It is a vice.
He is greedy and selfish to want the whole cake for himself He is greedy and selfish to want the whole cake for himself. He doesn’t care about others who are hungry.
Diligence or hard work means focusing on your work for a long time, to make the world better—or to study hard, so your own mind is better. It is a virtue.
Hard work or diligence is different for different people Hard work or diligence is different for different people. For some people, it’s building a house quickly but carefully, but
for many kids, working hard is doing lots of reading and other study, and not wasting time on games and television.
Sloth or laziness means always wanting to “take it easy,” not wanting to work, or not working enough. It is a vice.
He has a lot of work to do, but he is too lazy or “slothful” to do it just now.
Patience and forgiveness means not getting angry or excited because someone has done something you dislike. It is a virtue.
The girl’s friend should have been here by now. The friend is late The girl’s friend should have been here by now. The friend is late. But the girl is waiting patiently. She is not upset.
Wrath or anger means getting very upset, and maybe wanting to hurt someone who has done something you dislike. It is a vice.
This kid felt angry, or “wrathful,” because he did not like the game.
Humility (being humble) means not thinking that you are great or important, not thinking that you deserve a lot. It is a virtue.
Wilbur the Pig didn’t think he was “some pig Wilbur the Pig didn’t think he was “some pig.” He thought he was just an ordinary pig and didn’t deserve attention.
Vanity (being vain) means thinking that you are very beautiful, excellent, or great, and that you are a better person than others because of it. It is a vice.
These ambassadors probably thought they were better than other people; maybe they were vain.
The End